Keep at bay meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Keep at bay
As noun : दूर रखना
प्रतिवार प्रबाधन
Keep at bay synonyms
bottle up check contain control curb fend off hold back oppose reply repress repulse resist restrain retaliate stave off beat off hold at bay put up fight ignore refuse spurn rebuke snub repudiate dismiss deny chide turn down reject disregard discourage cut decline slight cross neglect disallow reprove brush off put off tell off hold off keep at a distance lash out at not hear of pass up push back send away keep at arm's length put in one's place withstand confront traverse buck cool duel parry rebut disown kick dispute put down drive off chase away drive away beat back cast aside drive back force back force off give cold shoulder to keep off knock down put to flight stand up against avert avoid block deflect deter divert foil forestall frustrate halt interrupt obviate preclude prevent rule out stop stymie thwart turn aside turn away hang on hinder obstruct hold the fort
Keep at bay antonyms
give in surrender give up yield note grant ok sanction welcome compliment praise attract aid assist permit hug include acknowledge pay attention regard accept allow approve admit go along help take in increase agree support draw lay bare make vulnerable open
Usage of Keep at bay in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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