Keep back meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Keep back
As verb :
उपसयना उलाथना ऊषरना कहने से छिपाना काट लियाना छुपाकर रखना पीछे रखना पुनः उसी कक्षा में पढाएना प्रच्चय प्रच्यवन फीटना रोक रखना रोक सकना रोककर रखना संधारण संप्रैष हटना उ:   दो बार वह सैनिक बना परंतु दोनों बार उसे अपने पद से हटना पड़ा। हूटना
Keep back ki paribhasha : kisi sthaan ko tyaagakar doosare sthaan par ho jaana
Keep back synonyms
suppress repress collar cork corner cramp curb enclose entrap restrain restrict box up bring to naught coop up cover up hold down hold in keep feeling inside oneself keep secret shut in control prevent halt stop reduce arrest obstruct repulse thwart neutralize terminate obviate harness snub counteract tame circumvent bottleneck checkmate moderate frustrate retard stay baffle foil pause impede interrupt bit rebuff inhibit bar preclude choke withhold limit squelch bridle constrain cut short nip in the bud play for time rein in slacken pace slow down collect cool hog-tie compose stifle keep lid on put half nelson on simmer down defer suspend detain shelve prolong stall put off adjourn postpone hamper block clog temporize tarry dilly-dally dawdle table protract procrastinate confine filibuster lag deter drag interfere linger encumber loiter stave off remand intermit prorogue bide time gain time hold over lay over refuse revoke refute contradict oppose turn down reject ban repudiate disbelieve negate exclude disown forgo abjure negative forbid discredit doubt disprove forsake contravene veto sacrifice nullify begrudge taboo abnegate gainsay disclaim spurn disavow controvert eschew discard recant rebut disacknowledge call on enjoin from not buy say no to take exception to turn thumbs down embargo debar proscribe dismiss censor nix kill cancel put down shut out zing pass on hinder frighten scare discountenance deprecate quiet warn shake disfavor divert chill turn off indispose disincline disadvise talk out of throw cold water on turn aside allocate designate slot name tag label maintain set aside mark out forbear refrain keep out preserve hoard retain save stockpile plant squirrel stash have duck conserve store possess lay up put away squirrel away put by store up stow away quash snuff overwhelm envelop surround quell suffocate douse strangle asphyxiate throttle inundate quench muffle conceal shower shroud heap hush up stamp out
Keep back antonyms
let go confide reveal tell aid assist abet permit release include welcome facilitate expedite liberate allow help continue encourage support forward open approve advance free indulge exclude carry out further unblock complete hurry hasten speed promote do abandon finish push rush leave dispatch ok sanction ratify claim validate concur accede affirm concede confess corroborate grant accept admit believe trust acknowledge keep credit agree embrace go along calm comfort hearten inspire inspirit spur on ignore use neglect throw away waste squander hurt spend distribute give offer disperse scatter uncover loose start light
Usage of Keep back in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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