Keep off meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Keep off Examples
Keep off synonyms
swerve avert veer ricochet hook bend slip pivot divert whip wheel whirl sheer shy curve diverge slew twist disperse sidetrack parry deviate wind cover up glance off hold off volte-face spurn avoid resist reject rebuff rebuke refuse snub stave off beat off drive back hold at bay keep at a distance turn aside keep at arm's length invalidate deny refute quash disprove negate confound top negative cross break controvert confute defeat overturn get back at take on evert come back at disconfirm prove false withstand confront decline cut traverse buck cool dismiss duel oppose disown fight check kick dispute brush off hold back put down turn down drive off chase away drive away beat back cast aside force back force off give cold shoulder to keep at bay knock down push back put to flight stand up against overthrow nix set back fight off heave-ho kick in the teeth throw back block deter foil forestall frustrate halt interrupt obviate preclude prevent rule out stop stymie thwart turn away
Keep off antonyms
straighten stay welcome attract want approve let in permit validate sanction abet aid back down concede allow support lose help agree increase assist accept draw enchant soothe please lay bare make vulnerable open
Usage of Keep off in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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