Kick around meaning in hindi
As verb : छिपा पड़ा रहना याट्रा करना
ExamplesKick around synonyms
resolve consider evaluate study inspect investigate spell out scrutinize test interpret rehash assay figure confab judge estimate beat a dead horse figure out chew over get down to brass tacks sort out talk game think through ponder ruminate cerebrate conceive muse reflect reason meditate imagine brainstorm envisage envision chew the cud flash on mull over noodle around stew over foresee aim weigh propose intend mean mind excogitate observe design expect percolate purpose take in think of aspire to brood over cool out meditate on muse over perpend reflect upon size up bicker contest question wrangle oppose answer contend differ bandy pettifog prove confute refute controvert agitate hassle moot disprove canvass demonstrate rebut cross swords lock horns altercate bump heads chew the fat discept hammer away at hash over have at it knock around pick a bone put up argument set to talk back thrash out toss around consult roll revolve argue turn over bat it around pour it on put on thinking cap rack brains run up a flagpole sweat over talk over deny contradict challenge discuss doubt quarrel impugn squabble clash brawl negate quibble gainsay disaffirm take on jump on one's case bulldoze menace bully hector intimidate bluster rule bend swagger tyrannize reign preponderate threaten dominate prevail browbeat predominate boss around henpeck overbear be in the saddle call the shots keep under thumb lead by the nose push the buttons rule the roost run the show run things throw weight around in the driver's seat hover stray linger dance flit ride float flow waft flutter wash slide sail meander amble wander stroll amass flicker gallivant flitter gather muck coast mosey scud malinger skim accumulate gad saunter gravitate be carried along draw near go with the tide go-that-a-way harm maltreat abuse brutalize misuse molest maul rough up backbite injure roughhouse wound trash rip chop wrong wax outrage total bash mess up shake up bung up do wrong dump on give black eye handle roughly push around guess read hypothesize wonder surmise conjecture dope suppose suspect scheme review head trip guesstimate build castles in air call it call the turn dope out have a hunch hazard a guess pipe-dream psych out read between lines run it up flagpole beat one's brains enslave conquer force enthrall subdue suppress compel reduce tame crush coerce quell triumph overthrow overcome vanquish bear down put down beat down bring to heel bring to knees hold sway reel back in rule over Kick around antonyms
ignore combine synthesize forget neglect assemble discard disregard dismiss reject scorn slight look away give in harmonize prove agree endorse make peace go along abstain concede corroborate concur give up allow approve assist surrender leave alone help serve submit follow yield disperse scatter decide guide stay run dissipate divide spend direct set go direct aid benefit protect guard heal pamper pet cure coddle favor please satisfy treat well know release liberate let go encourage win lose fail free Usage of Kick around in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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