King meaning in hindi

How to pronounce King
As noun : अमलदार Ex:  The king of Barbaria was a semi barbarian.
अर्थपति Ex:  the person of the king is inviolable अवनिपति Ex:  Mango is the king of fruits. अवनीपति Ex:  Consumer is a king in a capitalist market. अवनीश Ex:  Dashratha was the king of Ayodhya. अवनोश्वर Ex:  Rama was king of ayodhya असपत्ति, असपत्ती Ex:  Check the king means the opponents king is in danger. इभ्य Ex:  the king sat on his throne ईशु Ex:  the king imposed a punishing tax एकजन्मा Ex:  Rani Lakshmi Bai was the queen-dowager of the king of Jhansi. Ex:  The king died without an issue. उ:   रियासत काल में अंग्रेज यहां मछलियों क शिकार करने जाया करते थे। कार्यचिंतक Ex:  On 28 August the king was captured and sent to Cape Town. किबलाआलम Ex:  The king escaped, though wounded, into Nkandla forest. किबलाआलम Ex:  The king escaped, though wounded, into Nkandla forest. क्राउन Ex:  From 1370, the death of Casimir III the Great, he was also king of Poland. उ:   इन्हें "ऑर्डर ऑफ क्राउन " सम्मान से भी नवाजा जा चुका है। क्षत्रपति Ex:  The last strong king was the renaissance king Matthias Corvinus. क्षमाभूक Ex:  The king of Fortriu Eógan mac Óengusa क्षितिप Ex:  Hugh also told the Pope of an eastern Christian king क्षितिपति Ex:  Conrad’s son Frederick was elected king क्षोणीपति Ex:  The future French king क्षोणीपति Ex:  The future French king खंडपति Ex:  Early records make it seem like the Eparch was appointed by the king गुपिल Ex:  It sounded like a Scottish king and I liked it". गोपति Ex:  They rented the islands from the king with rights of trading गोपीथ Ex:  The forty-member Senate is appointed by the king for a four-year term. गोभुक् Ex:  Afterwards, the king awarded prizes to the winners. गोभुज Ex:  Prince Juan Carlos assumed the position of king and head of state. चक्रवती Ex:  Thus the name of a king of Ur चतुर्थभाज Ex:  Although he never directly opposed the Spanish king चारचक्षु Ex:  Duke of Anjou, brother of king Henry III of France. छत्रधर Ex:  William of Orange had betrayed the Spanish king and the Catholic religion. छितिकांत Ex:  Codrus, and the king of Messenia, Melanthus. छितिनाथ Ex:  " - and by various stratagems the king seeks David's death. छोनिप Ex:  He accepts Ziklag as a fief from the Philistine king Achish of Gath जनधिनाथ Ex:  "and Hiram king of Tyre sent messengers to David जनेश् Ex:  "but the king knew her not " . जनेश् Ex:  "but the king knew her not " . जयपाल Ex:  Akhenaten fell out with the king of Mitanni त्नप Ex:  Why are you at peace with a ruler whom the king is fighting? थलपति Ex:  What happened to you among them that you are not on the side of the king दंडधार Ex:  "We, the king of Sweden, of the Goths and Wends". दंडनेता Ex:  It is led by a king named Og. दंडप Ex:  Oslo was founded around 1049 by king Harald Hardråde. दंडप Ex:  Oslo was founded around 1049 by king Harald Hardråde. दमकर्ता Ex:  The two were sometimes united under one king देशाधिपति Ex:  The French Foreign Legion was created in 1831 by French king Louis-Philippe. देशाधीश Ex:  Edgar was crowned king of England at Bath Abbey in 973. Much later देसपति Ex:  In August 1806 the Prussian king देसाधिपति Ex:  In 2005 the 50th king धरणिधर Ex:  He asked the English king to help him reassert control धरणीपति Ex:  With the coronation of Frederick I in 1701 as king धरनिधनी Ex:  Determined to make Siddhartha a king धरपत्ती Ex:  Commonwealth king Sigismund was a prominent guest at this wedding. धराधर Ex:  The Commonwealth king Sigismund III धराधव Ex:  Ziaelas the king of Bithynia धराधिप Ex:  Prusias I king of Bithynia धराधिपति Ex:  The king was made a titular figure धरापति Ex:  The National Council had sixty members: ten nominated by the king धराभुक् Ex:  These myths speak of the Chola king Kantaman नरंद Ex:  Kulothunga was a son of the Vengi king Rajaraja Narendra. नरतात Ex:  The Carolingian king exercised the bannum, the right to rule and command. नरत्राण Ex:  Kronos's son who deposed him as king नरदेव Ex:  Holy Roman Emperor and king of Spain नरनाथ Ex:  Edward VIII was never crowned, yet was undoubtedly king during his short reign. नरनायक Ex:  The war culminated in the execution of the king नरपति Ex:  Because if you say the king cannot be criticised उ:   सम्भव है कि नरपति उनकी उपाधि रही हो और "नाल्ह" उनका नाम हो। नरवई Ex:  Jufer was pardoned by the king less than a month after his conviction. नरशक्र Ex:  The head of state is the king or ''Ngwenyama'' नरेश Ex:  The player must not make any move that would place his king in check. उ:   उस समय मगध नरेश वृहस्पति मित्र था। नायकाधिप Ex:  Earl of Carrick, became king . नायकाधिप Ex:  Earl of Carrick, became king . नृदेव Ex:  Fergus mac Róich, former king of Ulster. नृदेवता Ex:  The Incas identified their king as "child of the sun". नृपति Ex:  At that time Christ became king in Heaven and the "last days" began. पद्मलांछन Ex:  A parallel is drawn between Adams and Lycurgus, the just king of Sparta. परजापति, परजापति Ex:  The prime minister was the favorite of the king पाच्छा Ex:  The coins of the Indo-Greek king Menander पाच्छाह Ex:  Finally, the Prussian king declined the revolutionaries' offer. पासाह Ex:  Paris was the capital of the Frankish king Clovis I पासाह Ex:  Paris was the capital of the Frankish king Clovis I पुथिवीशुक Ex:  Geoffrey considered, that a king might have less-than-noble ancestors. पुरुषेंद्र Ex:  He gave former king and president Mutesa a state burial in April 1971 पुहवै Ex:  The king stared at the figure in astonishment. पुहवोपति Ex:  The king was delighted. पुहवोपति Ex:  The king was delighted. पृथिवीपति Ex:  Alexander replied that since he was now king of Asia पृथीपति Ex:  He defeated Darius, king of the Persians and succeeded him as king . पृथ्वींद्र Ex:  Alexander is described as a child of a Persian king पृथ्वीनाथ Ex:  Zeus, the king of the gods, presides over the proceedings. पृथ्वीपति Ex:  The king of Travancore प्रजाप Ex:  Zeus in Greek mythology is the king of the gods प्रजेश, प्रजेश्वर Ex:  Soon after taking the throne as king of the gods प्रशासिता Ex:  The Chinese also record the name of the king of Dayuan as "Mu-Kua" प्रिंस Ex:  He was the most powerful Germanic king of that age उ:   प्रिंस क्रोपाटकिन इस धारा के प्रमुख दार्शनिक थे। प्रिंस Ex:  He was the most powerful Germanic king of that age उ:   प्रिंस क्रोपाटकिन इस धारा के प्रमुख दार्शनिक थे। बलिहृत् Ex:  In March 1889, king Yohannes IV of Ethiopia, marched on Metemma बाच्छाह Ex:  Bob's king no longer plays बादशाह Ex:  Thereafter the empire was restored by a new king उ:   बादशाह जहाँगीर भी दीपावली धूमधाम से मनाते थे। बादिसाह Ex:  Mannikka interprets these galleries as being dedicated to the king बादिसाह Ex:  Mannikka interprets these galleries as being dedicated to the king भरंड Ex:  "son of the king of the Cumbrians" was restored to his throne, i. भरंड Ex:  "son of the king of the Cumbrians" was restored to his throne, i. भागभुज् Ex:  Other mythological characters associated with Cyprus are the king Cinyras भागभुज् Ex:  Other mythological characters associated with Cyprus are the king Cinyras भुवनशासी Ex:  Afonso Henriques proclaimed himself king of Portugal on July 25 भुवनशासी Ex:  Afonso Henriques proclaimed himself king of Portugal on July 25 भुवपति Ex:  They established the Hashemite king भूतविभु Ex:  The king submitted the proposal to his experts, who rejected it. भूनेता Ex:  The voyage gave Magellan his first experience of battle when a local king भूपति Ex:  His king Wilhelm I rarely challenged the Chancellor's decisions भूभर्ता Ex:  In discussing the relationship between a subject and his king भूभुज् Ex:  The king Abdirama having been killed भूभृत् Ex:  When Charles II became king in 1660 भूमणि Ex:  About 20 Indo-Greek king are known during this period भूमिप Ex:  The last important king was Hermaeus भूमिपुरंदर Ex:  The term king of Alba भूमिभुज् Ex:  Sometime in the reign of king Idulb भूरमण Ex:  The latter claimed descent from king Donnchad II भूरमण Ex:  The latter claimed descent from king Donnchad II भूव Ex:  They also had to provide for the king conveth भूवल्लभ Ex:  "the veteran" Mack Joss, Vickos Ekondo, known as "the king of Tandima". भूशक Ex:  Koniecpolski became an influential advisor to the new king भोक्रा Ex:  With the knowledge and support of the king भोप Ex:  His main opponents in politics were those who opposed king Władysław मंडलीश Ex:  Regional governors could not rely on the king for help in times of crisis महिप Ex:  The king selects the legislature as well as the executive . महीनाथ Ex:  In 1861 ictor Emmanuel was proclaimed king of united Italy . मानसदेव Ex:  Penda was probably not yet king of the Mercians at this time मूलेर Ex:  Here a king called Merewalh ruled over the Magonsaete यंत, यंता Ex:  Temples and Brahmanas were granted land by the king . रज्य करना Ex:  and substantively absolutely, The Septuagint, the seventy interpreters, according to the common opinion, translated from Hebrew into Greek, in order of Ptolemy Philadelphus, king of Egypt, the books of the Old Testament रसापति Ex:  Attorney king the bailiwick राजन्य Ex:  Crowning, crowned a king राजप्रेष्य Ex:  Earth moving the king राजा Ex:  Earth moving the king उ:   ऋग्वेद में राजा का पद वंशानुगत होता था। राज्यकर्ता Ex:  extremely rich man, by referring to a king of Lydia that name and had great wealth राज्यकर्ता Ex:  extremely rich man, by referring to a king of Lydia that name and had great wealth राज्यस्थायी Ex:  For our full power, Formula which the king used in certain Letters Patent राज्यस्थायी Ex:  For our full power, Formula which the king used in certain Letters Patent राट्, राट Ex:  From the king, Formula meaning From the king, for the king and began at the beginning of various public acts that summons, injunction, etc राट्, राट Ex:  From the king, Formula meaning From the king, for the king and began at the beginning of various public acts that summons, injunction, etc राष्ट्रगीप Ex:  Governed state, ruled by a king राष्ट्रभृत् Ex:  Grand Chamberlain, The first officer of the king's chamber, who served the king in preference to first gentlemen राष्ट्रभृत् Ex:  Grand Chamberlain, The first officer of the king's chamber, who served the king in preference to first gentlemen रैया Ex:  Great king, Title worn in ancient times by the Persian king रैया Ex:  Great king, Title worn in ancient times by the Persian king लक्ष्मीनाथ Ex:  He also says Members of the House who, under the constitutional monarchy, exercised the legislative power with the king and the Chamber of Deputies लक्ष्मीपति Ex:  He harangued the king लोकप, लोकपति Ex:  He is happy as a king said an extremely happy man in his condition लोकप, लोकपति Ex:  He is happy as a king said an extremely happy man in his condition लोकरक्षक Ex:  He said, specifically, those which the rights of the king were farmed लोकरक्षक Ex:  He said, specifically, those which the rights of the king were farmed लोकेश Ex:  He used to say , absolutely the king of the House वर्णगुरु Ex:  He walked in front of the king वसुंधराधव Ex:  He was also verbally Remontrances that Parliament was the king on some occasions वसुधाधिप Ex:  He was born on this king विनेता Ex:  He was king of the name विनेता Ex:  He was king of the name विशपति Ex:  Her Majesty's Most Faithful, the king of Portugal विशस्पति Ex:  I went from my king of spades विशांपति Ex:  In a similar sense, they say about industrial Riches King of the steel; The king of the oils, etc विषयाधिपति Ex:  In constitutional monarchies, the royal prerogative, rights and honors the king assured by the constitution of the state विषयायी Ex:  In the game of chess, it means the room is smaller than the king and which is the second of the game शहरयार Ex:  It also called Everything about the art of Vénerie and said, particularly Corps officers who were attached to the service to the king उ:   एक दिन उन दोनों के ज़िंदगी में एक अमीर लड़का शहरयार आता है। शासक Ex:  It is also said of the meal that the king was giving some occasions the regular and special ambassadors, and even sent to उ:   इसके शासक एक राजा-समान ग्रैंड ड्यूक हैं। शासन करना Ex:  It is happier than a king शासनधर Ex:  It is hardly employed once that in this name Grand wolf-hunter, officer of the house of the king who commanded the crew for wolf hunting शासानुशास Ex:  It is said by denigration and belittling the power of the king spoken of शासानुशास Ex:  It is said by denigration and belittling the power of the king spoken of शासिता Ex:  It still means the Killing of a king after a sentence conviction श्रीपति Ex:  It was also, in the old France, the title that in his letters, the king granted to foreign princes, cardinals, to peers, the dukes, marshals of France, the Spanish grandees and a few lords of the kingdom षष्ठांशवृत्ति Ex:  It was such a king who was संजर Ex:  king संपदूर Ex:  king bedroom valet संप्रणेता Ex:  King Party or attachment to the king of the party सम्राट Ex:  King surveyors, barbers king, king of haberdashers, etc उ:   १९०९- एलबर्ट बेल्जियम के सम्राट बने। सर्वोत्तम पौधा Ex:  Knights of the Round Table, the twelve knights that novels of the Middle Ages give as companions to the king Artur सिंघ ‡ Ex:  Letters Patent designated in the past, in terms of the Chancellery, the Letters of the king sealed with the Great Seal and left open सुपह Ex:  Little King king of a small state सुवर्णचक्रवर्ती Ex:  Military House king, king's house, or simply The house, thought of the officers and soldiers for the custody of the person of the king सुविदत् Ex:  Murder or attempted murder of a king सेक्रेटेरियट Ex:  of chess It is said of the king which failure is given and which is reduced to unable to leave her place without putting back in check, engage स्थपति Ex:  Order went on to express the Regulations and acts done by the king to the law enforcement or administration objects that should not be the subject of a law स्थपति Ex:  Order went on to express the Regulations and acts done by the king to the law enforcement or administration objects that should not be the subject of a law स्थपति Ex:  Order went on to express the Regulations and acts done by the king to the law enforcement or administration objects that should not be the subject of a law स्वामिकार्य Ex:  Proclaiming a king
Other : ईश Ex:  The king quashed the attempt of an uprising. ईश्वर Ex:  Zeus is considered as the king of gods. उ:   ईश्वर एक विश्वास है , आशा है, मन है ,शांति भी है । ईसर Ex:  Jaichand, the king of Kannoj was the arch-rival of Prithviraj Chauhan, the king of Delhi. एकज Ex:  The king and the vidushak had discussion in a lighter vein जहाँपनाह Ex:  I am indeed guarding the place of the king ताज Ex:  Did you not write to the king उ:   पहले ये ताज माउंट रोड के नाम से जाना जाता था। नराधिप Ex:  Margaret Fell petitioned the king for his release नरेंद्र Ex:  When a king is under immediate attack by the opponent's pieces उ:   तब नरेंद्र मोदी गुजरात के मुख्यमंत्री बने । नरेश्वर Ex:  The museum houses the jewelery and throne of the last king of the country नृप Ex:  Pilate asked him, "Are you the king of the Jews? उ:   करि नृप क्रिया संग पुरबासी। बहुत बड़ा व्यापारी Ex:  For instance, in the hand A-A-A-K-Q, the king and queen are kickers. मलिक Ex:  Around 727 BC the Kushite king Piankhi invaded northward उ:   इस फिल्म में संगीत निर्देशक अनु मलिक थे। महाराज Ex:  The king was also the supreme military commander उ:   इस तरह महाराज वीरगति को प्राप्त हुए। महाराजा Ex:  The ridiculed Spanish king abdicated in favour of Napoleon's brother उ:   महाराजा के लिये भी अब राज करना कठिन होने लगा था। मानवेंद्र Ex:  Penda became king in 626 राय Ex:  Go where the king is going in person , where the king goes on foot, where the king sends person, go to the wardrobe उ:   दारोग पीडी राय डिग्री कॉलेज, सिवान। शाह Ex:  It was a very beautiful land, which noted that the king उ:   यह मंदिर शाह मदार हिल की चोटी पर स्थित है।
King ki paribhasha : any arth ke liye vah jisake haath men kisi nagara, praant ya dekh aadi ki raajakiy vyavastha ho shatarnj ka ek muhaara jo kist lagane ke pahale keval ek baar ghode ki chaal chalata hai aur dauddhoop se baacha rahata hai kisi desha, jaati ya jatye ka pradhaan shaasak jo us desha, jaati ya jatthe ko niyam se chalaataa, unamen shaanti rakhata tatha usaki aur usake svatvon ki, doosaron ke aakraman se, raksha karata hai
King synonyms
monarch emperor tycoon overlord magnate baron potentate sovereign majesty mogul kaiser prince czar sultan maharajah caesar mikado caliph rex khan shah pasha crowned head gerent imperator
Usage of King in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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