Kiss goodbye meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Kiss goodbye
As noun :
भूला देना
Kiss goodbye synonyms
quit drop out pull out dump ditch discontinue stop leave withdraw vacate discard surrender desert screw abdicate yield duck dust back out bail out bow out chicken out cop out cut loose opt out throw over walk out on flake out fly the coop give up the ship leg it let go run out on ship out storm out take a powder take a walk wash hands of dash rush bound skip scamper take off dart jump leap scoot escape sprint flee hightail flight skedaddle abscond spring hotfoot start startle split hurtle cut out leave in the lurch make off leave flat leave high and dry leave holding the bag make a break for it make tracks run like scared rabbit step on it take flight deplete blow consume lavish misspend misuse waste squander run through throw away fritter away use up be wasteful with burn up indulge oneself trifle away dislodge oust expel dismiss sack bump vomit eliminate discharge exclude bounce evict banish reject disgorge spew spout ejaculate displace rout extrude fire erupt unloose dispossess debar emit eruct eradicate do away with eighty-six get rid of kick out send packing turn out force out disbar irrupt cast out drive off expulse give the boot heave out show the gate to spit out squeeze out throw overboard spurn renounce repudiate forgo forswear disown jettison disclaim jilt resign cast off set aside drift away have done with show the door take the oath change one's tune wash one's hands of decline fall succumb be humbled be outdistanced be sunk be taken to cleaners be the loser be worsted come up short drop a bundle lose out suffer defeat take a beating take the count take the heat absent adrift disoriented invisible vanished hidden misplaced gone missed lacking strayed wandering forfeit obscured mislaid minus astray down the drain irrevocable off-course wayward without forfeited disappeared at sea cast away fallen between cracks gone astray irrecoverable irretrievable nowhere to be found out the window unredeemed unload clear relieve purge liberate disembarrass scrap exterminate deliver junk remove abolish disabuse extirpate disencumber release uproot extinguish unburden disburden roust shake off throw out give the brush heave-ho make free toss out cede waive offer eschew spare endure offer up part with resign oneself to victimize hand over forbear abnegate back down drop like hot potato kiss good-bye lay aside quit cold turkey retire from stand down swear off take the pledge
Kiss goodbye antonyms
remain persevere cherish assert uphold come stay continue begin start keep maintain advance go allow defend pursue retain support adopt favor wait loosen unlock dawdle face meet stop open unbolt unfasten hoard accumulate save starve build collect gather appear permit welcome hire include admit take in accept employ engage claim go back revert approve rediscover return ascend achieve confront rise go up succeed win hold on to successful winning existing living aware cognizant seen accomplishing found alive existent attentive condemn create sow bear plant get disallow refuse reject gain withhold deny fight aid assist help take up
Usage of Kiss goodbye in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi 
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