Kitten meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Kitten
As noun : बिलौटा ‡ Ex:  I kept thinking about her as that vulnerable little kitten .
बिलौटा Ex:  cob, female kitten उ:   बिलौटा एक बिल्ली का बच्चा होता है। बिलौरा Ex:  He also said, by extension, of a kitten lying Ring बिल्ली का बच्चा Ex:  It also means the Party that holds the kitten stone ब्याना Ex:  Ring wide and thick, decorated with the same metal kitten
Kitten synonyms
kitty puss pussycat kittycat
Usage of Kitten in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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