Knockdown meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Knockdown
As verb :
पछाड़ना या गिरा देना
Knockdown synonyms
squabble clash exchange brawl disagreement controversy feud altercation dispute debate quarrel tiff ruckus scene wrangle hassle brush go face-off out beef rhubarb scrap row spat fuss shindy stew words ruction flap romp run-in rumpus static blowup bone of contention difference of opinion donnybrook falling bickering crusher set-to gin finisher dustup bone to pick brannigan knock down and drag out talking heads offering submission show introduction appearance delivery production reception proposal demonstration display proposition pitch remembrance giving arrangement exposition exhibition rendition award overture donation investiture launch debut conferral bestowal act representation staging launching dog and pony show coming out delivering sales pitch fight difficulty
Knockdown antonyms
calm agreement peace harmony concealment reality hiding friendship ease
Usage of Knockdown in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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