Know all meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Know all
As noun : विश्ववेदा Ex:  I have followed this matter, and know all the details
वेदिष्ठ Ex:  I have followed this matter, and know all the details सब कुछ जानने वाला Ex:  I know all that can be objected सरबंगी Ex:  I know all that, all that you say सरबग्य, सरबज्ञ Ex:  It is also transitive verb and it means so Practice, apply to learn a science, an art to understand thoroughly, an author, to know all the circumstances of a case The causes of a phenomenon, etc सर्वज्ञ Ex:  We know all the tricks he's capable उ:   सर्वज्ञ व्यापक सत्तचित आनंद सिरजनहारणम्। सर्वज्ञाता सर्वविद सर्वविद्य सर्ववेत्ता सर्ववेदी
Usage of Know all in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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