Knowing meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Knowing
As noun : अकलना Ex:  Rishu has a preternatural power of knowing the future of people by reading
their forehead.
अभिविनीत Ex:  I visited shyam's house for knowing his well being. उलेखनापु Ex:  Such unification takes form not only in knowing ओकूब Ex:  Not knowing the true cause औराना Ex:  Swinton did so, knowing Churchill would remain a critic of the government जान बूझ कर किया हुआ Ex:  Do not know where to turn, not knowing what to do, that become see no remedy for his business जानकार Ex:  feeling knowing someone उ:   यह जानकार वेंकटपति राय श्रीरंगा को उत्तराधिकारी बनाया। जानना Ex:  He ran many dangers without knowing उ:   अनुष्ठान के पूर्व धर्म का लक्षण, प्रमाण और साधन फल जानना आवश्यक है। ज्ञाता Ex:  He speaks in rhyme, without knowing what it says उ:   दादू हिन्दी, गुजराती, राजस्थानी आदि कई भाषाओं के ज्ञाता थे। निबोध Ex:  He talks about it in the air and without knowing what it is about परिगम Ex:  Holding the wolf by ears, be struggling with a difficult situation, not knowing how to get out पर्यावलोकन Ex:  It employs more than figuratively in the infinitive present and the past participle, with sense Reduce to not knowing what to say and what attitude to take फहमंद Ex:  It gave him the advantage of knowing this scientist बुधान Ex:  It is also said of a Man which is in a bad mood, without knowing why: On what grass he market today? Fig बेता Ex:  it is usual that in speaking of people who come and go in a house without knowing why भिज्ञ Ex:  It plays your game without knowing महरमी Ex:  It s 'is gone breasts say why, without knowing why विदत् Ex:  It says one way favorable, but still familiarly, to be well informed of a material, knowing all the details विदथ Ex:  It was placed on the pad, We did it out of its housing, without knowing where to find one another वैदत Ex:  Not knowing encrypt व्यंदना Ex:  Not knowing the road, they had to go, to walk randomly संचिंतित Ex:  Not knowing what to say in his defense, he fell back on the services he claimed to have made संस्कारसंपन्न Ex:  On signing the arrest, he said not knowing सुज्ञान Ex:  Talking like a parrot, not talk by repeating what we heard and without knowing what is said सुविचारित Ex:  The bailiff who arrested the sign, he said not knowing सुशिक्षित Ex:  The faculty of the soul which are also called Mind, and is a kind of metaphysical intelligence , faculty of knowing than उ:   साथ ही, वे सुशिक्षित और प्रखर वक्ता भी हैं । सेँधा Ex:  These two men hated each other without knowing each other: there in their reports a visible relaxation
As verb : जानते हुये Ex:  Having weakness for someone, not power, not knowing resist it
Other : आलिम Ex:  Abhishek blurted out the very confidential information without knowing it`s
खेला Ex:  Not knowing the Germans' objective उ:   मैच शुरू से ही खेला जाएगा। घाग Ex:  By knowing the coordinates of an object घाघ Ex:  , knowing that the studio was looking for a follow up to Mockingbird. उ:   आखिर् में, घाघ प्यार में तीनों शामिल होते हैं। सज्ञान Ex:  Talking act knowingly, Knowingly Talking act effectively, knowing what we are talking about and what we do
Knowing ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ki sthiti, guna, kriya ya pranaali ityaadi nirdisht karanevaala bhaav dhaaran karana jisane vishesh roop se shiksha paayi ho sookshm ya uttam roop se vichaar kiya hua
Knowing synonyms
brilliant sophisticated perceptive intelligent insightful wise intended expert deliberate discerning sage slick qualified awake crack quick sharp smart cool alive apprehensive astute brainy bright canny clever cognizant competent conscious conversant intentional judicious knowledgeable observant quick-witted sagacious sensible sentient skillful vigilant watchful well-informed worldly worldly-wise percipient sophic tuned-in with-it witting
Knowing antonyms
stupid unaware unintelligent ignorant unskilled lazy kind inexperienced unknowing poor slow dull unstylish uncognizant
Usage of Knowing in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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