Knowingly meaning in hindi
As noun : जानबुझकर Ex:  In terms of jurisprudence, False hardware, one who is committed innocently and without criminal intent; as opposed to formal False, that is one knowingly commits evil intent and
As adverb :
अमदन् Ex:  She knowingly threw her doll into the water. चतुरता से Ex:  And the person if knowingly speaking leet जान बूझ कर Ex:  False attribution made knowingly hurts the reputation and honor जानते हुये Ex:  He did this knowingly जानबूझ कर Ex:  Talking, act wisely, Knowing perfectly what we talk about, why we must act in such a way, knowingly जानबूझकर Ex:  Parler with knowingly acting knowingly Talking act with full knowledge of what we say, what we do उ: कनफ्यूशिअस ने जानबूझकर कुछ दुर्गम समस्याओं की उपेक्षा की है। जानूबूझकर जैसे रहस्य से परिचित हो, इस तरह से
Other : समझना
ExamplesKnowingly synonyms
deliberately purposely consciously wittingly purposedly Knowingly antonyms
unintentionally Usage of Knowingly in sentences
The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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