Knowledge meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Knowledge
As noun : अकूफ Ex:  Naciketas was in a twilight world of knowledge and ignorance.
अवगर Ex:  She disavowed all knowledge of the document. अवबोधन Ex:  he put his knowledge to good use इदराक Ex:  My grandfather has the knowledge of alchemy. उपोद्ग्रह Ex:  It was not in my knowledge that you are changing the job. कलंदिका Ex:  The zoologist had a good knowledge of taxonomy. गिनान Ex:  systematize our scientific knowledge गोआन Ex:  Health and knowledge both the things are equally important.
Bananas were equally distributed among all the students.
ग्याँन Ex:  Relying on knowledge of pre-Roman Gaul चेत Ex:  As biological knowledge grew in the 18th century जाँन Ex:  Teachers provide this knowledge opportunistically जाँन Ex:  Teachers provide this knowledge opportunistically जानकारी Ex:  If one seeks Brahman via true knowledge उ:   आपके द्वारा दी गई जानकारी को रहस्य रखा जायेगा। ज्ञान Ex:  This is related to Rationalist ideas of a priori knowledge उ:   ज्ञान जिस पुस्तक में हो उसे वेद कहते है। दर्याफ्त Ex:  Benois aided Diaghilev by developing his knowledge of Russian and Western Art. दानिस्त Ex:  Socrates is often found arguing that knowledge is not empirical दानिस्त Ex:  Socrates is often found arguing that knowledge is not empirical दृश Ex:  Is art a means of gaining knowledge of some special kind? परिचोपु Ex:  Spiritual works require the Catholic to: share their knowledge with others प्रटिभा Ex:  They are not creating anything without our knowledge प्रविचेतन Ex:  It was this knowledge फैलसुफी Ex:  This was not common knowledge in the Middle Ages. बूझ, बूझि Ex:  As scientific knowledge advanced रात्र Ex:  Available knowledge of Maya mythology, as such, is rather limited. रुसख Ex:  Reproof may be given before all who have knowledge of the transgression. वयुन Ex:  Our knowledge about that common tradition वाकिफकारी Ex:  Although it is not common knowledge वाक्फियत Ex:  Batman has no superpowers and instead relies on "his own scientific knowledge विदथ Ex:  But Adi Shankara, being a sannyasi, had no knowledge of this subject विदर्शना Ex:  Discoveries of new lands brought knowledge of a huge diversity of life विपस् Ex:  2. Limited knowledge of the functions of genes. विवेकता Ex:  There was no knowledge of hygiene or antibiotics. वुकूफ Ex:  Tradition is a knowledge system . वुकूफ Ex:  Tradition is a knowledge system . व्युप्तत्ति Ex:  Asia, and South America seemed to lack knowledge of the Christian God. समोध Ex:  Van der Donck used this knowledge to actively promote immigration to the colony सुपालि Ex:  Experiments were often conducted without the subjects' knowledge or consent. हृदयलेख Ex:  Moore wrote: Since Moore had little knowledge of Yagan's native language हृल्लेख Ex:  How can we live with the knowledge that we could have made a difference?
Other : अभिज्ञ Ex:  He has up-to-date knowledge of sports. अवगति Ex:  Basic knowledge of mathematics is a must for all children. आगाही Ex:  advancement of knowledge इल्म Ex:  Her husband has recondite knowledge about Astro-Physics. जानकारी से Ex:  Peirce's approach "presupposes that the objects of knowledge are real things ज्ञान विद्या Ex:  Few journalists have real scientific knowledge पता Ex:  Levi Strauss claimed that it had no knowledge of the offenses उ:   इससे पता चलता है कि प्रकाश तरगों में निर्मित है। परिचय Ex:  Certain and true knowledge उ:   यह समना भूमि का परिचय है। बोध Ex:  As scientific knowledge progressed उ:   बोध का एकमात्र उच्च स्तर मकाम अल-इहसन है। विद्या Ex:  Genomic knowledge of the genes involved in diseases उ:   प्राचीन काल से ही यह विद्या का केन्द्र है। वेद Ex:  Greek and Arabic knowledge was not only assimilated from Spain उ:   इस तरह वेद का शाब्दिक अर्थ 'ज्ञान' है।
Knowledge ki paribhasha : vah gyaan jo shiksha aadi ke dvaara upaarjit ya praapt kiya jaata hai pahachaanane ki kriya ya bhaav vah baat jo kisi ko bataane, jataane ya saavadhaan karane ke liye kahi jaay kisi vishay ya vastu ke snbndh ki praapt ki hui athava mili hui jaanakaari vastuon aur vishayon ki vah bhaavana jo man ya aatma ko ho
Usage of Knowledge in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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