Laconic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Laconic
As adjective : अकलखुरा Ex:  The laconic response of a
अल्प शब्दक Ex:  tight style, concise, laconic अल्पाक्षरिक कमरंद मितभाषी उ:   इसका अर्थ है कि राजा को मितभाषी और शूरवीर होना चाहिए। मुख्तसर रुरुक्षु रूखा शार्टकट संक्षिप्त उ:   लिंगबोध के लिये अनेक संक्षिप्त संकेत हैं। संगूढ़ सांक्षेपिक साठनाठ
Laconic ki paribhasha : hasta, ashvini aurn pushy ye tinon nakshatr jo jyotish men chhote maane gae hai aur jinaka gan laghugan kaha gaya hai jo badai ya vistaar men kam ho jisamen ghi, tel aadi chikane padaarth na pade hon jo snkshep men kaha ya likha gaya ho samajh boojhakar baat kahanevaala
Laconic synonyms
terse brusque pithy brief compact compendious concise crisp curt sententious short and sweet succinct breviloquent compendiary
Laconic antonyms
long-winded wordy verbose
Usage of Laconic in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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