Lamb meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lamb
As noun : अकुटिल Ex:  sacrificial lamb
अलकलड़ैता Ex:  Badgers will scavenge from sheep and lamb carcesses. अलकसलोरा Ex:  The eagle swooped down upon the lamb . गोश्त Ex:  Manx lamb from the hill-farms being a popular dish. दुलरुवा Ex:  Mutton and lamb were fairly common दुलारा Ex:  Mary had a little lamb भेड का बच्चा Ex:  Most national Icelandic foods are based around fish, lamb and dairy products. भेड़ का बच्चा Ex:  A foal, a lamb that is born भोला भाला या भोंदू Ex:  A lamb भोला भाला Ex:  A lamb after मसकीन Ex:  A salt meadow lamb रक्तभव Ex:  He said again, in terms of cuisine, a stew made of white Kind meats, such as veal, lamb लड़ता Ex:  In terms Kitchen, it means a piece of mutton, lamb from the first leg side at उ:   जल्द ही वह समय भी आ जाता है जब अरुण ठकराल के विरुद्ध प्रकरण लड़ता है। लाड़लड़ैता Ex:  It is said in the same sense it is a lamb शुष्कली Ex:  lamb हेडा़ Ex:  lamb
Other : मेमना Ex:  Other staples include lamb
Lamb ki paribhasha : vaishy pita aur nat stri se utpann sataan jisane koi aparaadh na kiya ho
Lamb synonyms
fish fool sucker pushover gull patsy mark victim butt chump sap easy mark sitting duck pigeon stooge angel virgin greenhorn gullible person simple soul trusting soul
Usage of Lamb in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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