Lampoon meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lampoon
As noun : अपगीत Ex:  Editor should have thought before printing such kind of lampoon in his newspaper.
निंदा रचना निन्दा लेख निन्दा―रचना विद्रूपिका
Other : आक्षेप करना Ex:  I'm Gonna Nail My Feet to the Ground by Lewis Grizzard lampoon Georgia culture निन्दा मज़ाक उड़ाना
Lampoon ki paribhasha : ek rog jisamen rogi ko ang men kanpakanpi hoti hai
Lampoon synonyms
caricature skit burlesque invective roast takeoff pastiche pasquinade squib takedown pasquil send-up satirize mock travesty jape rail put on take off send up
Lampoon antonyms
flattery praise applaud approve support
Usage of Lampoon in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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