Landed meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Landed
As noun : भूमिसंपन्न Ex:  In June, the western Allies landed in France.
As verb :
As adjective : जागीरवाला Ex:  Between 1 July 1998 and 30 June 1999 fisheries landed 119,898 tonnes
Other : अवतरित Ex:  the landed gentry उ:   इन परिस्थितियों में यह सूरा अवतरित हुई। अवतीर्ण Ex:  Jones landed several good punches in the early round. उतरा Ex:  At least, after it was over I landed on my feet . उ:   घोड़ा उनके पास उतरा तो सवारी के लिए सब कुछ से लैस था। उतारा हुआ Ex:  A bee landed upon her and frightened her . उत्तीर्ण Ex:  We landed in Chicago on time . उ:   वह बहुत अच्छे नम्बरों से उत्तीर्ण हुआ। जमीन्दार Ex:  1864, Damien landed at Honolulu Harbor in downtown Honolulu as a missionary. जायदाद गैर मनकूला यानी मकान या जमीन वगैरह का रखने वाला Ex:  The American colonists were landed from the Itasca भू Ex:  Dirk Hartog who on 26 October 1616 landed at Cape Inscription उ:   कुछ उड़ान भू स्थिर कक्षा की भी तय की गयी थी। भूमि विषयक Ex:  Allied forces landed on Guadalcanal भूमि सम्बन्धी Ex:  Portuguese merchants first landed in Goa in the early 16th century भूमिगत Ex:  On April 18, British soldiers and German mercenaries landed on Loíza's beach. उ:   यहाँ भूमिगत स्थित है। संपत्तिवान Ex:  Christopher Columbus landed at Môle Saint-Nicolas on December 5 स्थावर Ex:  1916. The first Marines landed three days later
Landed ki paribhasha : vah snpatti jo vnsha- parnpara se parivaar men rakshit ho aur jo bechi na ja sake chhadashaastraanusaar ek gan ka naam jisake aadi ka varn guru aur shesh do laghu? hote hain
Usage of Landed in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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