Lanky meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lanky
As adjective : अखर्ब Ex:  He looks funny as he is a very lanky looking person.
उदूढ Ex:  Over six feet in height and lanky ताँतिया Ex:  A tall fellow, a great man and lanky दीघ Ex:  It is all lanky दुबला पतला Ex:  It says figuratively and familiarly of a Woman lanky लंबा पतला Ex:  This is a lanky man all लंबा Ex:  , It is a big nag, said he made a wrong Grande wife and lanky उ:   यह २०० मी. लंबा व १७५ मी.चौड़ा है। व्यायत हस्तिद्वयस
Other : लगलग Ex:  I imagined my lanky लम्बा उ:   यह सामान्यतः १ से १० से. मी. लम्बा होता है। सींकिया
Lanky ki paribhasha : jisake donon chhor ek doosare se bahut adhik doori par hon
Lanky synonyms
rangy gangly spindly gaunt slender scrawny angular beanpole bony gangling lean meager rawboned spare stringy spindling twiggy weedy attenuated beanstalk broomstick extenuated scraggy stilt
Lanky antonyms
chubby plump squat fat thick
Usage of Lanky in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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