Lap up meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lap up
As verb :
उत्सुकतापूर्वक ग्रहण करना लप लप पीना सोख लेना
Lap up ki paribhasha : khaane ya svaad lene ke liye kisi vastu ko jibh se uthaana
Lap up synonyms
affirm acknowledge assume recognize adopt sign admit buy undertake comply accede okay acquiesce assent bear avow agree to check out go for take on thumbs up concur with cooperate with give stamp of approval give the go-ahead give the green light give the nod rubber-stamp set store by sign off on take one up on authorize advocate license uphold ratify support endorse certify sanction back recommend establish permit groove charter consent empower seal second maintain bless dig encourage mandate validate boost pronounce accredit push for buy into get behind give go-ahead go along with hats off to make law make valid stump for subscribe to consider conclude regard understand have suppose trust think conceive deem posit postulate presuppose swallow count on fall for swear by take it attach weight to be certain of be convinced of be credulous be of the opinion give credence to have faith in have no doubt keep the faith place confidence in presume true reckon on rest assured take as gospel take for granted take at one's word ignore excuse forget forgive pardon overlook remit disregard pass over wink at give green light let it come let it go by let pass look the other way nod at verify explain substantiate corroborate attest debunk underpin vouch settle authenticate warrant witness justify bear out circumstantiate double-check give high sign make good make sure size up feel aver entertain esteem sense judge view bet bottom dollar have hunch have sneaking suspicion lay money on swear up and down take as gospel truth take stock in cross one's heart rejoice bask enjoy rollick riot carouse savor crow relish delight luxuriate gloat indulge lark frolic thrive carry on cut loose fool around kid around blow off steam go on a spree kick up heels let go let loose live it up make merry paint the town run around step out whoop it up kick over the traces make whoopee paint the town red kick up one's heels
Lap up antonyms
deny refuse repudiate disapprove reject condemn protest dissent discard blackball dispute renounce demur disallow oppose disagree decline veto contradict destroy disprove invalidate dissuade object discourage differ disbelieve ignore disregard exclude distrust abandon dismiss forget neglect respect censure forbid prevent attend not allow refute annul discredit confuse cancel void mistrust release forsake cease desert leave drop let go halt quit stop dislike hate disappoint distress be sad
Usage of Lap up in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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