Larceny meaning in hindi
As noun : अदत्तदान Ex:  Then they indicted Max for grand larceny .
चोरकर्म Ex:  The recèlement and larceny are also punishable चोरी Ex:  To commit larceny उ: चोरी की बात सुनकर मदनिका बहुत दुखी होती है। चौर्य Ex:  Workers who travels the countryside, and more generally, Tramp, ranger, who lives with small tasks, alms or larceny चौर्यक दस्यवृत्ति भड़िहाईं मनुष्यहार मुष्ट मुष्टि मोष मोषा मौष्टिक लुंटा लुंठि हथलपकी
Larceny ki paribhasha : kisi devi, devata sati aadi ke liye banaaya hua chhota chaura ya chabootara jisake oopar ek chhota sa stup jaisa bana hota hai
ExamplesLarceny synonyms
burglary misappropriation robbery thieving pinch thievery crime lift stealing touch pilfering purloining Larceny antonyms
lot Usage of Larceny in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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