Last meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Last
As noun : अँटना Ex:  he was the last to leave
अंत पूर्व Ex:  The last thing that I expected of him was to publishing a defamatory article against his friend. अंतिम Ex:  My relatives from Delhi descended upon us last Friday. उ:   ये अंतिम क्रेटेशियस एवं आरंभिक इयोसीन काल के हैं। अंत्ययोनि Ex:  my spies tell me that you had a good time last night आंत Ex:  The last bottle of blood. उ:   छोटी आंत से होकर गुज़रने के बाद भोजन बड़ी आंत में प्रवेश करता है। आखरी Ex:  For the last couple of days I have been suffering from abdominal pain. उ:   और ऋषिकेश का आखरी स्टेशन है। आख़िरी Ex:  This restaurant changed hands twice last year उ:   इनकी आख़िरी फ़िल्म गज गामिनी थी। आखिर को Ex:  The council convened last week.
The students were convened in the auditorium.
आखिर में Ex:  For the last some decades the oral tradition was disappeared. कलबूत Ex:  I heard a yelp from the hostel last night. कलबूद Ex:  We jaunted on the beach last evening. खड़ना Ex:  i had a flightmare last night. खाटना Ex:  The Indian Foreign Minister met his Japanese counterpart in Tokyo last week. खाड़ेती Ex:  Please reheat the food from last night गच्छाना Ex:  The last match is a big match for India. गतिभंग Ex:  They last the combat. गुजरा हुआ Ex:  The laws were enforced in thebeginning of the last month. चरणचार Ex:  He spoke last an this issue. चरम या अधम Ex:  Probably she missed the last bus. चलना Ex:  He is coming IInd from last 2 years. He seems to be slipping from his position. उ:   इसके साथ ही चलना असंभव हो जाता है। चल्लना Ex:  i had a sweven last night. जूते की लकडी Ex:  We brought down Tom just last month . टिकना Ex:  They busted up last week . टिकाऊ Ex:  Poor Fred cashed in his chips last week . उ:   छोटे रेशों के कारण उसकी लुगदी से टिकाऊ कागज भी बनता है। टिमकना Ex:  I really crocked up my car last night . टुरन Ex:  They diddled Larry's last dime out of him . ठहरना Ex:  Lily is down to her last dollar . ठाहरना Ex:  Well, it dumped on us again last night . ठेना Ex:  Our town really got dumped on last night . ठैहैरना Ex:  You paid for dinner last time . धर्णास, धर्णासि, धर्णी Ex:  Private Smith went AWOL last Wednesday . नया बच्चा Ex:  Fred and I eloped last week . पच्छियान Ex:  This building is on its last legs . पदक्रम Ex:  Uncle Herman almost pegged out last week . पदविक्षेप Ex:  This policy reaches back into the last century . पदांत्य Ex:  All of us kept trying to the last . पाछल Ex:  Gee, I came in last again! Jane: Oh, well . पाछली Ex:  For the last few years पाछलु Ex:  Despite important discoveries during the last four centuries पादन्यास Ex:  The Cleveland Indians last reached the World Series in 1997 पार्यतिक Ex:  Because age is rounded down to the last birthday पिछला Ex:  In each of her last three matches at the US Open उ:   वह कौन है, उसका पिछला जीवन क्या था, यह भी भूल जा सकता है। पिछली Ex:  This was the last major Confederate Army to surrender. उ:   पिछली टाँगें पतली, छोटी और नखयुक्त होती हैं। प्रस्थावा Ex:  These were the last three home runs of his career. बिलबना Ex:  Morley rediscovered the last of these sites . लास्ट Ex:  Multi-frequency was the last of the pre-digital methods. उ:   यह सभी द लास्ट बेत्टल में आते है सिवाय सुसन और एन्ड्रयु के। वसीक Ex:  The last Officer Commanding the Forces वस्क Ex:  Richelieu was the fourth of five children and the last of three sons. वापसीं Ex:  One scholar, Edward W. Schmidt, has called him "the last Renaissance man". विप्रयाण Ex:  "When he punched me that last time सँचरना Ex:  Monteverdi had moved to the city from Mantua and composed his last operas संकीन Ex:  After the last of the Mini production had been sold सन्निवृत्ति Ex:  These last two links are used occasionally for freight. सन्निवेश Ex:  When the last cartridge is fired सब के बाद का Ex:  5000th strikeout, and last two no-hitters came as a Ranger. सबसे निचले दरजे का Ex:  The tournament was the last of Sampras's career. स्थास्नु Ex:  By October 23, the last remnants had escaped from the pocket. हजर Ex:  Over the last few years several Swiss tennis players
As verb : चलते रहना Ex:  The stabilizer of my VCR was damaged last week. जीतव Ex:  At last the hostages were released . जीबना Ex:  I saw you with Bill last night . जीवित रहना Ex:  Interest rates bottomed out last February .
As adjective : अन्तिम Ex:  He overdid it last night when he did 100 pushups उ:   अन्तिम चालीसवां अध्याय ईशावास्योपनिषद है। अवशिष्ट Ex:  I met him last in a market-place. उ:   अवशिष्ट छाछ आगे प्रसंस्करण के लिए चला जाता है। आखिरी Ex:  A pharmacopoeia was published in India last year. उ:   आखिरी स्टेशन तक के लि ए । उच्छलित Ex:  I took two pegs of sake last night. उच्छेष Ex:  A pro-am skating tournament was organised last week. उद्वस Ex:  I attended the summer school last year. उर्वरित Ex:  Somebody lifted his car last night. गत Ex:  Major Saravanan was awarded the Param Vir Chakrafor for his gallantry in the last war. उ:   गत दिनों मैं रायपुर गया था। नामशेष Ex:  I went to see a movie last night . पारिशेय Ex:  During his last years at Stellenbosch बकीया Ex:  When the last inhabitants of Alba were fully Gaelicised ल्वीन Ex:  Over the last three millennia वापसीं Ex:  One scholar, Edward W. Schmidt, has called him "the last Renaissance man". विनिर्यात Ex:  One of Chaplin's last completed works विप्रयात Ex:  The last version of X10 विष्कन्न Ex:  The last Union-wide elections were the 2004 Parliamentary Elections वेल्लित Ex:  The last three are now staples of the repertoire. व्यतियात Ex:  Especially during his last decade व्यपेत Ex:  Colley Cibber again became involved, and this time he had last word. व्युत्क्रांत Ex:  The last national census, based on self-ascription, indicated a similar figure. व्लीन Ex:  Hamburg suffered severely during his last campaign in Germany. श्यान Ex:  In Dentistry, Pharmacy and Engineering, studies last for five years. संप्रवृत Ex:  In the last few decades संलंघित Ex:  That was not the last of the matter, however. समतीत Ex:  The Kings of Italy last used the Palazzo Pitti in the 1920s.
As adverb : अन्तिम बार Ex:  I spent my last year in enjoyment. सबसे बाद में Ex:  In the last three minutes of a half
Other : आख़िर Ex:  The council convened last week उ:   आख़िर अंग्रेज़ी से हम निकटतर आए हैं, क्योंकि वह एक भाषा थी। आख़िरकार Ex:  The river crested last night. उ:   आख़िरकार मल्लिका को वो रोल मिल गया। आगिल Ex:  I had a dream about you last night उत्तम Ex:  This actor outed last year उ:   उन्हें उत्तम यश का भागी बना कर भोग करवाता है। क़ायम रहना Ex:  Forty bankruptcies were recorded in this town last year. चरम Ex:  she was first and last a scientist उ:   यह चरम पुनरुत्थान काल की उत्तम कृति मानी जाती है। फर्मा Ex:  It was the last World's Fair held in North America and was considered a success
Last ki paribhasha : aisa pind jise gurutv ke kaaran uthaane men kathinata ho van ka vah vibhaag jahaaan shera, chite aadi ke rahane ki maaanden hon paani men tairane ya chalane men haath pair se paani hataana kisi vastu ka vistaar jisaka nirdhaaran is prakaar kiya jaay ki vah ek nirdisht vistaar ka kitana guna hai lakadi ka dhaaancha jisapar chadhaakar joota siya jaata hai shatarnj ya chausar aadi khelon men kisi mohare ya goti aadi ko apane sthaan se badhaana ya hataanaa, athava taash ya gnjiphe aadi khelon men kisi patte ko khel ke kaamon ke liye sab khelanevaalon ke saamane phenkana pichhale din padha hua paath kuchh kaal tak ke liye rahana
Last synonyms
uttermost curtains antipodal crowning far lag determinative least ending terminal ultimate concluding utmost closing latest extreme bitter end conclusive definitive eventual farthest furthest hindmost lowest once and for all outermost supreme swan song ulterior climactic determinate far-off rearmost finishing aftermost at the end endwise meanest most recent remotest completion finale termination close conclusion omega
Last antonyms
middle front initial introductory oldest primary moderate beginning opening first starting commencement introduction lead
Usage of Last in sentences

The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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