Late meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Late
As noun : देर रात की Ex:  She stormed at him because he was late again .
As adjective :
कुछ देर से Ex:  we got late because of too much traffic. दिवंगत Ex:  Get going, chum! Shake it up!  We're late . उ:   इस विवाह के चार ही वर्ष बाद वे दिवंगत हो गए। देर से आया हु Ex:  He turned up an hour late . देर से Ex:  Only late in World War II देरतक Ex:  During the late 19th and the early 20th centuries देरे से आनेवाला Ex:  In the late 19th century मोडो़ Ex:  The Magyars migrated to Hungary in the late 9th century.
As adverb : अबेर करके Ex:  They revelled till late at night. अवारो Ex:  he arrived at an inconveniently late hour कालहानि Ex:  Dont be late for church. गहरु Ex:  as usual, she arrived late ताखीर Ex:  It appears to me that you are always late . दिरंग Ex:  The store sent away all late deliveries . देर करके Ex:  It's too late to help John now . देर का Ex:  Snap it up! You're going to make us late . देर तक Ex:  He snatched at the Mace, but it was too late . देर से आया हुआ Ex:  She just isn't up to staying up so late . देर Ex:  His campaign began in late 1905 उ:   कुछ ही देर बाद एक और मृगी उधर से निकली। देरी से Ex:  Throughout the late 1940s and early 1950s पद से अलग Ex:  Two Zelda-themed LCD games were created in the late 1980s. बहुत दिन चढे या रात गये Ex:  Through late 1896 and 1897 बहुत दिन चढ़े Ex:  Also in the late 1880s बाद के Ex:  By the late Middle Ages बेलातीत Ex:  Roach's estate, and Cabin Fever Entertainment in the late 1990s. रात गये Ex:  Beginning in the late 1800s विलंब से Ex:  In the late 19th century विलम्ब से Ex:  Columbia Phonograph, and other companies in the late 1880s. वेलातिक्रम Ex:  In late 1964, Aubrey approached Stanton with a proposal. वैकुण्ठवासी Ex:  Beginning in the late 1970s
Other : अबेर Ex:  the tournament was won by a late qualifier अवार Ex:  usually she was late अवेर Ex:  hes usually a late riser आस्ते Ex:  Her husband is a late riser. आहिस्ता Ex:  the train arrived late कीर्ति Ex:  I reached office late due to traffic congestion. उ:   केवल यही ग्रंथ आपकी कीर्ति को ऊपर करने के लिए पर्याप्त है। मरहूम Ex:  The late 1930s saw the so-called "Purges of the Red Army cadres" लेट Ex:  Starting in the late 19th century उ:   डब्बावाले कभी लेट नहीं होते। स्वर्गवासी Ex:  During the late 1960s उ:   आपकी पाँचवी सन्तान गर्भावस्था में ही स्वर्गवासी हो गयी थी। स्वर्गिक Ex:  In the late 20th century स्वर्गीय Ex:  In the late stages of borreliosis उ:   स्वर्गीय जिंदल को ऊर्जा मंत्री बनाया गया।
Late ki paribhasha : chinta ya lajja aadi ke kaaran nistej kaal ka atikraman karanevaala mahaakaal niyamita, uchit ya aavashyak se adhik samay
Late synonyms
slow backward behind belated blown delayed dilatory gone held up hung up jammed overdue postponed put off remiss strapped tardy behindhand lagging last-minute behind time eleventh-hour in a bind in the lurch missed the boat out of luck stayed too late unpunctual fresh recent advanced modern just out previous past sometime old once asleep bygone cold deceased defunct departed erstwhile extinct former inanimate lifeless onetime preceding quondam ex- exanimate slowly tardily belatedly dilatorily
Late antonyms
on time prompt punctual antique old-fashioned early live current future present punctually
Usage of Late in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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