Latter day meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Latter day
As noun : आधुनिक उ:   आधुनिक युग गद्य का युग है।
Latter day synonyms
avant-garde coincident concomitant concurrent contemporary fresh last word late latest modernistic modish newfangled novel now present present-day prevailing prevalent state-of-the-art stylish up-to-the-minute cutting-edge leading-edge modernized neoteric new-fashioned today with-it twenty- first century early old preceding earlier prior previous ancient bygone over ancient history erstwhile foregoing good old days once one-time retired sometime quondam ages ago back when behind one bypast down memory lane ex- gone-by long-ago olden days time was way back way back when young newborn up-to-date hot off the fire hot off the press just out the latest
Latter day antonyms
old-fashioned future ancient antiquated obsolete outdated past passe later current after on time modern new present preceding earlier
Usage of Latter day in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
Word of the day

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