Latter meaning in hindi
As noun : गैर Ex: The latter was based on Alexandre Dumas, fils' play The Lady of the Camellias. उ: सभी जीवन, मानव और गैर मानव के लिए अनुकंपा, जैन जैन धर्म का केंद्र है।
दूसरा Ex: Kohlberg chose the latter उ: दूसरा सीधा प्रसारण ५५ घंटो के बाद हुआ । दोसर Ex: However, the latter two are also poisonous. बियौ Ex: The latter emerged as the confluence of various regional dialects विए Ex: According to experts on the weapon, the latter version is preferred.
As adjective : अवरौक्त Ex: The student wrote a dutiful latter to his teacher पश्चातकथित Ex: Mazarin succeeded Richelieu when the latter died. हाल का Ex: Among these latter rites
As adverb : अनुवर्ती Ex: as against former I do not agree with the latter half of your observation. उ: कई नगरपालिकाएं शिकायतों पर अनुवर्ती कार्यवाही नहीं करती हैं।
Other : आख़िर Ex: Tom and Dick were both heroes but only the latter is remembered today आख़िरकार Ex: Astronomers dubbed the former globular clusters, and the latter open clusters. उ: आख़िरकार टेरी के पति को अदालत से मंज़ूरी मिल गई। पश्च Ex: In January 2007, the latter became an Oprah's Book Club selection. उ: अग्र मस्तिष्क, पश्च मस्तिष्क को पूर्ण रूपेण नहीं ढँक पाता है।
Latter ki paribhasha : haathi ka pichhala bhaaga, jnghaa, pair aadi pichhale din padha hua paath ishaan aur vaayavy kon ke bich ki disha jisaka prastut vishay ya vyakti se snbndh na ho
ExamplesLatter synonyms
recent lag last modern terminal second following closing final eventual hindmost later rearmost last-mentioned Latter antonyms
initial introductory earliest former preceding beginning first starting opening Usage of Latter in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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