Lavish meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lavish
As verb : अकृपण Ex:  He was very lavish with his money to help the poor.
अताबख्श Ex:  His father does not like his lavish style of life. अमितव्ययी Ex:  Jefferson often attended the lavish parties of royal governor Francis Fauquier उड़ाऊ Ex:  Managua becomes a lavish city due to many palms उत्तानहृदय Ex:  Traditionally lavish funerals leave survivors with another burden. उदार Ex:  Shared drinking cups were common even at lavish banquets for all उ:   शासक धार्मिक तथा उदार प्रवृति के होते थे। उरुसत्व Ex:  Kurosawa was a notoriously lavish gourmet उड़ाऊ Ex:  Nigerian feasts are colourful and lavish किंवराटक Ex:  The Victorians produced his plays as lavish spectacles on a grand scale. खर्चीला Ex:  A lavish dinner जरबकस Ex:  He does not stick with her dog sausages, is said of someone who does not spend his money to lavish ठाठदार Ex:  He is a man of lavish promises, Liberal promises in दरियावार Ex:  It also says Persons and means Who lavish ways that fresh air, who likes to make gifts दिलचला Ex:  It is not lavish praise देष्णु Ex:  The Stoics adorned themselves a lavish impassivity धिष्णय Ex:  , It is a silver executioner , a real money executioner is a man excessively lavish फजूल खर्च Ex:  , Pouring gold with both hands, The lavish in spending lots फैयाज Ex:  a lavish country बहुप्रद बेपरवाइ भूरिदक्षिण मलुक मुचिर यजाक रुक उ:   दूसरे चक्र में भी वो रुक रुक कर मुक्के लगाते रहे और चार अंक जुटा लिए। लुटाना वादान्य व्यय खर्च करना व्ययशाली संप्रद सुदक्षिण
As adjective : किंवराटक Ex:  The Victorians produced his plays as lavish spectacles on a grand scale. फिजूलखर्च Ex:  , User Resources, and weaken the lavish
Other : उडाऊ Ex:  Buckingham Palace was frequently the scene of lavish costume balls व्ययशील
Lavish ki paribhasha : vistaara, snkhya ya parimaan men bahut adhik jo parimaan men alp ya nyoon na ho yog men asmitaa, raaga, dvesh aur abhinivesh in chaaron kleshon ka ek bhed ya avastha jisamen koi klesh apane poorn roop men vartamaan rahata hua apane vishay ka grahan karata rahata hai
Lavish synonyms
generous bountiful excessive posh wasteful sumptuous gorgeous lush swanky opulent luxurious effusive extravagant grand ritzy exuberant plush profligate exaggerated free abundant copious first-class immoderate impressive improvident inordinate intemperate liberal luxuriant munificent openhanded plentiful prodigal prolific riotous unreasonable unrestrained unsparing wild profusive thriftless unstinging expend squander heap fritter deluge give pour spend dissipate scatter go through run through be generous be wasteful spend money like water thrust upon
Lavish antonyms
stingy wanting insufficient lacking sparse destitute thrifty scanty scarce mean moderate reasonable poor economical austere barren depressed saving small spare hoard economize limit hold save collect gather starve
Usage of Lavish in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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