Law meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Law
As noun : अडवोकेट Ex:  under Roman law addiction was the justification for slavery
अतिसंध Ex:  It is sods law that it rains only on Sunday when the school is closed. अपरापत Ex:  Let the law punish him for his guilt. असदाचार Ex:  His article was published in the proceedings of the law journal. आदाब Ex:  he interprets the law broadly आर्डिनेंस Ex:  That law has been nullified. आलंबनता Ex:  This law should be included in statutebook for the benefits of society. उच्छास्त्र Ex:  His activities were noticed by the law such as police. उपदेश Ex:  Many people are perjuring in law courts, habitually!. उ:   यहीं ज्योतिसर नामक स्थान गीता उपदेश की जगह है। उपदेशता Ex:  An action should be taken against perjury cases in a law court. उपदेशता Ex:  An action should be taken against perjury cases in a law court. एकट Ex:  He gave a definition of the law in the lecture. एकट Ex:  He gave a definition of the law in the lecture. एक्ट Ex:  The Senate emasculated the law उ:   ' रॉलेट एक्ट को काला कानून भी कहा जाता है। एक्ट Ex:  The Senate emasculated the law उ:   ' रॉलेट एक्ट को काला कानून भी कहा जाता है। एडवोकेट Ex:  operation of law ऐक्ट Ex:  justice was for sale before the reform of the law courts उ:   सन्‌ १९३३ में इंडियन मेडिकल कौंसिल ऐक्ट विधानसभा द्वारा स्वीकृत हुआ। ऐडमिनिस्ट्रेशन Ex:  It has become necessary to codify Muslim personal law in India. ऐडवोकेट Ex:  The state of Israel practices the law of conscript. क़ानून Ex:  As far as it goes, this law is a good one . उ:   इस क़ानून की परिभाषा दो स्रोतों से होती है। कांस्टिट्यूशन Ex:  This law can't be enforced on anyone . कागजा़त Ex:  They entrapped Max into breaking the law . कानून Ex:  Dan fell afoul of the law at an early age . उ:   प्रत्येक देश का अपना पेटेंट कानून है। कालापक Ex:  I will not dirty my hands by breaking the law . गुंफ Ex:  We all hope that the new law goes through . गृहप्रबंध Ex:  The new law brought more problems into being . जापता Ex:  She laid down the law to Ed . डिसीप्लिन Ex:  She laid down the law about drinking . तरीक Ex:  The law prohibited bicycles from the sidewalks . तरीक Ex:  The law prohibited bicycles from the sidewalks . तारघाट Ex:  If one person violates a law दंडशास्त्र Ex:  At the Sorbonne in Paris, Lévi-Strauss studied law and philosophy. दस्तूर Ex:  Jefferson practiced law and served in the Virginia House of Burgesses. उ:   परजान दस्तूर एक भारतीय अभिनेता हैं। Ex:  The law read: In his 1787 Notes on the State of Virginia धरम्म Ex:  Finding little financial success in the law धर्म Ex:  Most of Brazilian law is codified उ:   पुराणों में इनकी कथाएं तथा धर्म का वर्णन आदि है। धर्मपीड़ा Ex:  President George Bush signed the bill into law on December 14 धर्मप्रवक्ता Ex:  Hu Qili, the other member of the PSC who opposed the martial law धर्मसमय Ex:  Public law includes, in particular, administrative law and constitutional law. धर्मस्थाय Ex:  According to the federal law passed in 2004 धर्मा Ex:  50 BMG weapons have attracted attention from law enforcement agencies उ:   धर्मा देवी बद्री प्रसाद स्मारक महाविद्यालय कुड़वार, सुलतानपुर। धर्मातिक्रमण Ex:  Following graduation, De Klerk practiced law in Vereeniging in the Transvaal. धृम Ex:  In the same year, an electoral law abolished parliamentary elections. ध्रम Ex:  A generalization of this theorem is the law of cosines ध्रुति Ex:  It can be proven using the law of cosines निध्यपराध Ex:  Sophia, broke the law by teaching him some letters of the alphabet. नियम Ex:  Laws such as the new media law उ:   यह नियम फाइनमेन को अक्सर समझ मे नहीं आते थे। नियमावली Ex:  Ignoring the law against interracial meetings न्याय शास्त्र Ex:  2006 Bush signed into law the Military Commissions Act of 2006 न्यायशास्ट्र Ex:  Danish law still applied only to the Danish settlers, though. परिषत्व Ex:  Rothbard's law is a self-attributed adage. प्रकाशता Ex:  Federal law applies to CNMI. However प्रचर्या Ex:  Clinton returned to Arkansas and became a University of Arkansas law professor. प्रशिष्टि Ex:  1998. It began after Clinton signed H.R. 4655 into law on October 31 प्लीडर Ex:  Divine law is the specially revealed law in the scriptures. बिद्धि Ex:  Implementation of the law almost became necessary in 1973 भूषणता Ex:  Bradman told Cardus, "I don’t believe in the law of averages". मर्य्यादा Ex:  The original name of Oslo was restored by a law of 11 July 1924 मुचिर Ex:  The Code of Virginia is the statutory law मुमुक्षुता Ex:  English law and Northern Ireland law are based on common-law principles. मेजबानी Ex:  English law applies in England and Wales. उ:   कार्यक्रम की मेजबानी मनीष पॉल ने की। यजमानी Ex:  Under most interpretations of Islamic law रसिकत्व Ex:  The education law of 1992 began the process of theoretical reform राजधरम Ex:  This law dissolved the Orders राद्धांत Ex:  Energy is subject to the law of conservation of energy. रेगुलेशन Ex:  Bradman told Cardus, "I don’t believe in the law of averages". रेगुलेशन Ex:  Bradman told Cardus, "I don’t believe in the law of averages". रेगुलेशन Ex:  Bradman told Cardus, "I don’t believe in the law of averages". वकील Ex:  We know the law still holds उ:   अपने समय के ये बड़े ही सफल और सम्मानित वकील थे। वयुन Ex:  An unverified story tells of a law school dean who विद्युत्त Ex:  Islamic law is the basis of all judicial decisions. विधि के दृष्टि में Ex:  By the law of conservation of energy विधि रक्षक Ex:  Twelve years after the law विधि Ex:  Citizenship is covered by UK law उ:   विधि तथा साक्ष्य का प्रतिपादन अवांछनीय है। विधिद्वैध Ex:  The other three are: the courts of law विधिप्रयोग Ex:  One of them was law professor Irwin Cotler विधिलोप Ex:  Jewish law also recognizes converts who are not ethnically Jewish. विधुति Ex:  The constitution is the supreme law of the country विशोकता Ex:  Official Bilingualism in Canada is law विषयता Ex:  According to Article 12 of New York education law विहिति Ex:  The common law came from Great Britain with the British colonists विहीनता Ex:  Just as the common law system is maintained वृत्तिता Ex:  Kowloon and New Kowloon are stated in law वृषलता Ex:  By law of February 27 1930 the island was made part of the Kingdom of Norway. वेदविधि Ex:  Later that law was repealed वैकुंठत्व Ex:  The Michigan State University College of Law is a private law school वैध ‡ Ex:  After planning to study law व्यवस्था विधान Ex:  Dickens began work in the office of Ellis and Blackmore as a law clerk. व्यवस्था Ex:  John Yeats was studying law उ:   संक्रमण-रोधी व्यवस्था हो। व्यालत्व Ex:  Otherwise, it is classified as general law and has very limited powers. शंडता Ex:  Ivan revised the law code शक्तिमत्ता Ex:  Modern Anglo-American law शब्दी Ex:  The law provides that resident expatriates शरभता Ex:  The common law holds that the Sovereign "can do no wrong" शलभता Ex:  Tolstoy began studying law and Oriental languages at Kazan University शलभत्व Ex:  Martial law was declared शहशाही Ex:  The CPB was established by law शालात्व Ex:  The miners essentially adopted Mexican mining law existing in California. शिक्षापद Ex:  He practiced law there from 1854 to 1856 शुल्कता Ex:  They quickly established one of the leading law firms of Leavenworth शूद्रत्व Ex:  Not only was there a law school under the Romanized Berytus शौटीरता Ex:  The law enforcement agencies also liaise with the municipal council श्यावता Ex:  Wilhelm Wien proposed Wien's law श्राद्धत्व Ex:  The Rayleigh-Jeans law श्रोत्रियता Ex:  Historically influenced by Chinese law श्लोकत्व Ex:  Statutory law originates in Japan's legislature सत्यधर्म Ex:  The continued independence of Scots law सन्निवेश Ex:  More recent amendments include the nation's only doctor-assisted suicide law समयाचार Ex:  Since the inception of the law in 1979 समवायत्व Ex:  Stravinsky enrolled to study law at the University of St. समीचीनता Ex:  Stravinsky was prevented from taking his law finals समुद्देश Ex:  In 1882 Weber enrolled in the University of Heidelberg as a law student. सयोनिता Ex:  Along with his law coursework सहितत्व Ex:  At first he considered a career in law but came to have साधारणय Ex:  The Decree on Romanisation made this law in April सापिंडय Ex:  Although they're protected under EU law सायणवाद Ex:  At the same time, he examined the actual state of the law of heresy. सायुज्यत्व Ex:  Rose Mofford signed into law a paid state holiday honoring Martin Luther King सारति Ex:  Ancient Rome contributed greatly to the development of law सारुप्यता Ex:  Roman law as preserved in Justinian's codes continued into the Byzantine Empire सिखापन Ex:  The major divisions of the law of ancient Rome सिद्धंत Ex:  Ius Naturale encompassed natural law सिद्धांत Ex:  The law was changed in 2006 to allow both free-pour and minibottles in bars उ:   यह नैयायिकों का सिद्धांत है। सिधंत Ex:  There could be competition among different brands of law सिध्दांत Ex:  It was the Romans who systemized law and exported it to their Empire. उ:   उनके इस सिध्दांत को साधारणतया अपना लिया गया। सिवता Ex:  Under international law सिसान्त Ex:  A first version of this law was passed in 1960 and amended later सुरश्रेष्ठ Ex:  The judicial and law enforcement institutions are weak. सुरेंद्रता Ex:  Laws are loosely based on English common law सुवेशता Ex:  Nebraska currently has no active death-penalty law सौंदर्य, सौंदर्य्य Ex:  This 'spirit' was gradually codified by law स्फीतता Ex:  In common law jurisdiction स्मृतिप्रबंध Ex:  Welles and the other broadcasters were not punished by law स्वार्थंता Ex:  The University of Paris in the nineteenth century had six faculties: law हब्स बेजा Ex:  Before the law of 30 July 2004
Other : अवर Ex:  the law came looking for him उ:   अर्थ अवर एक वैश्विक आन्दोलन है। आईन Ex:  the law took many turnings over the years बिधि Ex:  This was followed in the 19th century by English law उ:   जेहि बिधि गए सरोबर तीरा।
Law ki paribhasha : paashini vyaakaran ka ek paaribhaashik shabd jisake anusaar do varnen ka paraspar atynt param snnikarsh hota hai doosare ke kaam ko usaki or se karane ka bhaar lenevaala kisi snstha ke snbndh men niyamon ka sngrah bhalibhaaanti soch vichaar kar sthir kiya hua mat paarasiyon ka purohit jo unake dharmagrnth ke anusaar karmakaand karaata hai raajy men shaanti rakhane ka niyam kisi vastu ya vyaakti ki vah vratti jo usamen sada rahe, usase kabhi alag na ho kisi kaary ka vah vidhaan jo shaastron aadi ke dvaara nishchit ya nirdhaarit hua ho vidhi ya nishchay ke anukool praatibndh
Law synonyms
case statute requirement code constitution charter mandate decision act legislation decree precedent regulation ruling charge measure order covenant enactment injunction canon summons precept behest dictate ordinance prescript commandment equity warrant edict notice garnishment bidding demand prescription institute instruction assize divestiture writ subpoena caveat jurisprudence bylaw decretum due process proposal origin maxim proposition ground source assumption criterion theorem usage formula postulate cause axiom foundation fundamental exigency reason base truth guide generalization principium
Law antonyms
disorganization lawlessness breaking transgression violation outcome result consequence effect outgrowth end
Usage of Law in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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