Lawful meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lawful
As noun : वैध उ:   बुद्ध के समय प्रसिद्ध वैध जीवक राजगीर से थे।
As adjective :
असली Ex:  But enjoy what ye took in war, lawful and good: but fear Allah. उ:   यही असली द्वारका है। कानूनी Ex:  In a lawful manner, without going against the law उ:   करों के पीछे कानूनी स्वीकृति होती है। जायज़ Ex:  In France it is not lawful to institute majorats जेन्य Ex:  In terms of jurisprudence, body separation between husband and wife, judgment or judgment in which it is lawful for a man not to live with his wife, and a woman no longer live with her husband थेट Ex:  It is only fair and lawful gains धर्मशास्त्रसंमत Ex:  Profit more or less lawful search in a company that न्यायोचित Ex:  This building was weapons to the enemy, it was declared lawful prize विधि पूर्ण Ex:  This is not a lawful thing विधि स्वीकृत Ex:  In terms of the Palace, it means Who is lawful विधियुक्त उ:   यह एक विधियुक्त सत्ता हो गया। विधिस‌ंगत विध्यनुसार व्यवहारानुसार शास्त्रविहित शास्त्रानुसार
Lawful ki paribhasha : jo shaastr dvaara kathita, anumodit ho bina milaavat ka shuddh
Lawful synonyms
justifiable constitutional legal statutory valid authorized permissible proper rightful bona fide canonical due enforced established innocent judicial kosher licit mandated official on the level ordained ordered protected ruled warranted jurisprudent vested card-carrying commanded condign decreed enacted enjoined judged jural juridical legalized legislated legitimatized of right on the up and up passed warrantable
Lawful antonyms
illegal illegitimate unacceptable incorrect illicit prohibited taboo unlawful wrong
Usage of Lawful in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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