Lawlessness meaning in hindi
As noun : अनार्की Ex:  The prevailing atmosphere of lawlessness
अप्रबंध अराजकता उ: पर पूरे राज में अराजकता फैल गयी। अव्यवस्था उत्पिंज गोलमाल छत्रभंग नियमातिक्रमण बदइंतजामी विधिविरोधिता विधिहीनता हरबोँग
Other : गड़बड़ी
ExamplesLawlessness synonyms
confusion disorder chaos terrorism irresponsibility Lawlessness antonyms
calm order organization method system Usage of Lawlessness in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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