Lax meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lax
As adjective : आचार भ्रष्टता Ex:  He is often lax about his dress.
औलादौला Ex:  In most Germanic languages, lax vowels can only occur in closed syllables. छिलछिला Ex:  He had introduced a large lax morals झौल ढिलड़ ढीला उ:   साम्राज्य का का शासन इस प्रकार ढीला पड़ गया। ढी़ला धर्म भ्रष्ट निरुस्तुक मुलायम लापरवाह उ:   जय जो कभी एक लापरवाह और तिकड़मबाज युवक था आज उसकी खोज कई लोगों को है। लावबाली श्‍लथ सोच्छ्वास हेलावत्
Other : आस्ते Ex:  A four-row type is actually a six-row type with very lax structure. आहिस्ता Ex:  Nevada has relatively lax interest laws ढीलापन नर्म शिथिल उ:   कीमतों में तेजी से वृद्धि होती और ऋण मानकों को शिथिल कर दिया जाता था। शिथिलित
Lax ki paribhasha : vaakyon men shabdon ka paraspar gatha hua arthasnbndh na hona jisaka chitt kisi padaarth se hat gaya ho jo kasa ya tana hua na ho
Lax synonyms
sloppy negligent careless lenient indifferent soft vague broad casual delinquent derelict devil-may-care easygoing flaccid forgetful general inaccurate indefinite inexact neglectful oblivious regardless shapeless slipshod unmindful yielding behindhand disregardful any way asleep on job imprecise nonspecific overindulgent paying no mind
Lax antonyms
careful mindful rigid attentive caring concerned hard severe strict tight
Usage of Lax in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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