Lay meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lay
As noun : अंगसंग Ex:  She lay unconscious on the floor.
अंडा देना Ex:  his other arm lay across his chest, unnaturally, as if placed there deliberately, for a purpose अकारना Ex:  The sickness passed after I lay down. अतिसर्ग Ex:  Gobs of paan lay on the roadside. अनृतभाषण Ex:  The village lay in a peaceful basin surrounded by hills . अभिमानित Ex:  even as he lay dying they argued over his estate अभिसंबंध Ex:  She lay back on her pillow. असत्ववाद Ex:  the plow lay sidelong on the ground आज्ञादान Ex:  she lay on the couch, her body uncomfortably twisted इजमाल Ex:  A huge ant crept over me, and I just lay there . उपसंगमन Ex:  After the earthquake, the town lay in shambles . उल्लुंठन Ex:  I can't wait to lay hold of that fishing pole . करना Ex:  I'll lay myself down here for just a few minutes . उ:   आँखो को बचाने के लिए चश्में का प्रयोग करना चाहिए। कामक्रिया Ex:  Please lay the spoon alongside the knife . कामक्रीडा Ex:  Find the knife and lay the spoon alongside . किबो Ex:  Please lay this away for me . गिर्ना Ex:  He'd better not lay the finger on me . गीत Ex:  Advancement lay along that path. उ:   इस गीत के बाद एक दूसरे के कान पकड़कर गीत गाते है। घलाहल Ex:  The incomes and living standards of lay workers are comparable to जम्ना Ex:  Aristotle lay at the foundation of the falsafa movement in Islamic philosophy झड़ना Ex:  During the following spring, the ticks lay their eggs. झूठ बोलना Ex:  Chaplin's political sympathies always lay with the left. झोखना Ex:  Then Spanish interest in Louisiana lay dormant. ठवनापु Ex:  The females lay 50,000 to 1 million eggs डालना Ex:  Larger animals may lay eggs as many as three times per summer डेना Ex:  Albatrosses lay a single egg in a breeding season थरपना Ex:  From 15 February 1814 to 6 June 1825 the island lay abandoned. दफना देना Ex:  Aristotle, helped to lay the philosophical foundations of Western culture. दाँव पर लगा देना Ex:  These are called lay ecclesial ministers दीधना Ex:  As only female birds lay eggs देना Ex:  Wollstonecraft's reputation lay in tatters for a century उ:   इसलिए हमें आर्थिक पहलुओं पर भी ध्यान देना चाहिए। धरपना Ex:  California lay at the bottom of a large sea धूल में मिल्ना Ex:  Zambian sympathies lay with forces opposing colonial or white-dominated rule नंषना Ex:  Asia lay to the east, Europe to the west and north and Africa to the south. नक़्शा Ex:  All procellariids lay one egg per pair per breeding season उ:   इसी से इसका नाम नक़्शा लाइकेन पड़ा है। नगमासंजी Ex:  They typically lay their eggs in puddles नौसिखिया Ex:  Monks are venerated and supported by the lay people. नौसिखुवा Ex:  Females lay 6,000–10,000 eggs at one time. परिनिर्वपण Ex:  The difference lay in the training and the resulting high ''esprit de corps''. पापनाशन Ex:  Ibsen's work examined the realities that lay behind many facades पेस करना Ex:  By 1168 nearly the whole of the eastern Adriatic coast lay in Manuel's hands. पैझना Ex:  Greece now lay across Rome's line of communications with the east प्रतिष्ठापना Ex:  Almost at the same time, a lay definition of addiction developed. प्रातिधान Ex:  Frederick's casket lay in state in the court of honor of Sans Souci बखसीसना ‡ Ex:  His body lay in state at the Great Hall of the People. बन्ना Ex:  The power of the attack lay in the artillery बल देना Ex:  Africa lay to the west of Egypt बिंटना Ex:  "Canada" referred to the part of New France that lay along the St. बोझा लादना Ex:  Action to lay मार देना Ex:  away lay मारना Ex:  Birds lay eggs, eggs convent मूर्च्छन Ex:  Doctrine to reserve the lay some share in the government Church मेलना Ex:  In some religious orders, servants Brothers, lay Brothers Employee material tasks of the monastery मेल्हना Ex:  It also means Making the century to lay life मोसना Ex:  It also means Show, lay before, speaking of experimental lessons in a particular science यभन Ex:  It also said that players of this ball or puck lay before them to serve their purpose योजना तैयार करना Ex:  It lay the most holy things रतकूजित Ex:  Ladies choir, Religious who serve in the high choir stalls, unlike novices, who are in the lower stalls, and lay sisters who have been received for the service of the house रतिकर्म Ex:  lay the foundations of a building रतिकलह Ex:  Partridges usually lay fifteen or sixteen eggs रतिकेलि Ex:  Replace the religious personnel of an educational institution or assistance by a lay staff रतिदान Ex:  The clergy and the lay रतिसंयोग Ex:  To lay the foundations रालना Ex:  To lay the foundations for a house on the rock रूप रेखा बन्ना Ex:  To make a good foundation in a marshland, we must lay the foundations on piles रेतःसेक Ex:  Work that is done to lay the foundations of a building, structure लग्वगोई Ex:  Zoology Family of Hymenoptera insects that lay their eggs in the ground लघन Ex:  , Just, ask, lay the foundations of an empire, d a kingdom लघु गेय वर्णनात्मक कविता Ex:  , Not having to lay his head, being homeless and in extreme poverty लागू करना Ex:  , which loses sin, We are inclined to lay the blame at the loser who fails लिटा देना Ex:  Gloussement especially the chicken when she will lay विष्टब्धि वौकाना शैश्न्य संप्रतिपादन संभोग उ:   इससे संभोग कष्टकारी हो सकता है। संविभजन सझिदारी सन्यासन समागमन समीचक समुत्सर्ग समुपचार साँपधरन साझा उ:   ग्वेर्नसे साझा यात्रा क्षेत्र में आता है। साति सेँधना स्तीविषय स्त्रीकरण स्त्रीगमन स्त्रीप्रसंग स्त्रीबंध स्त्रीसंग स्त्रीसंसर्ग स्त्रीसेवन स्त्र्यभिगमन स्थापित करना हमबिस्तरी हेराफेरी
As verb : अण्डे देना Ex:  his hands lay stiffly अण्डेदेना Ex:  They have put macadam to lay the road. आधारशिला रखना Ex:  His greatness lay in the lineaments of his characters. आसादन Ex:  I sent for the sergeant of the platoon both men were in and asked him to try to find out discreetly what lay behind this उपसंन्यास Ex:  The losing boxer lay on the canvas, knocked out . गिरा देना Ex:  Let me lay it out for you . गृहस्थ संबंधी Ex:  Mother Teresa lay in state in St Thomas गृहस्थ सम्बंधी Ex:  Tesla hastened from Paris to his mother's side as she lay dying ठवनापु Ex:  The females lay 50,000 to 1 million eggs दांव पर रखना Ex:  Adam Smith is remembered by lay persons as the father of capitalism प्रातिधान Ex:  Frederick's casket lay in state in the court of honor of Sans Souci बदना Ex:  They simply lay flat and kept driving forward. बाजी Ex:  Each play constitutes a down. बिछाना Ex:  A lay person रखना Ex:  Kind of Zoology insects Diptera, like to large and each species flies lay their eggs on the skin of the herbivorous animals उ:   इस व्रत में व्रती को निर्जल रहकर व्रत रखना होता है। लेटना Ex:  Put in fact, lay in fact forward a proposal that claims to be true उ:   इसके विपरीत एशियाई हाथी अक्सर लेटना पसन्द करते हैं। शाय सन्निवेश Ex:  The statue was returned to public display in 2002 सन्यासन सामान्य जन सम्बंधी
Other : आगे रखना Ex:  There's no need to lay a trip on me . कतार Ex:  Just lay yourself down there and try to sleep . उ:   २. कलमें मेड़ों के ऊपर एक कतार में लिटा दी जाती हैं। गद्दी Ex:  Please lay down your book and listen to me . उ:   यह मराठा पेशवाओं की गद्दी थी। पड़ा Ex:  From 1517 the Protestant Reformation brought a new emphasis on lay literacy उ:   ज़िले का नाम बडगाम शहर पर पड़ा है। पर्त Ex:  In the center of the city lay the mosque, as well as headquarters for guards. उ:   फलों और सब्जियों पर पर्त चढ़ाने का यह बहुत सस्ता तरीका है। मार गिराना Ex:  In terms of Paths iron rails and absolutely Setter Setter, Male team worked to lay the rails or repairing
Lay ki paribhasha : dnd dene ke liye kisi ko kisi vastu se pitana ya aaghaat pahuanchaana kisi vastu par ya kisi vastu ke andar doosari vastu sthit karana kisi kaam ko chalaana kisi vastu men bhaag paane ka adhikaar kisi vastu par se apana svatv hataakar usapar doosare ka svatv sthaapit karana shrrangaar ras ke tin bhedon men se ek vah vaakya, pad ya chhnd yo gaaya jaata ho kisi chij se usake chhote chhote angon ya anshon ka toot tootakar girana bistar ya kapade aadi ko jamin par utani door tak phailaana jitani door tak phail sake haath pair aur saara sharir jamin ya aur kisi satah par tikaakar pad rahana
Lay synonyms
secular ordinary temporal inexpert nonprofessional nonclerical nonspecialist unsacred plant set leave settle spread stick establish arrange systematize organize fix dispose rest repose posit position order deposit set down set out offer submit yield bear generate adduce lodge allege cite present bring forth bring forward put forward turn impose cast apply attribute assess incline point ascribe level tax direct saddle aim encumber charge impute allot burden address accredit assign refer zero in prepare devise plot contrive concoct hatch work out even appease alleviate suppress assuage relieve quiet plane flatten iron flush allay still steam calm play game stake gamble hazard risk give odds
Lay antonyms
professional ordained disorder disorganize unsettle mix up destroy disarrange energize depart move disestablish upset displace remove confuse disturb lift take neglect rough be active withhold deny refuse exonerate aid help keep intensify worry break aggravate irritate provoke agitate
Usage of Lay in sentences

The word is used as adjective verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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