Laziness meaning in hindi
As noun : अलकस Ex: the laziness of the day helped her to relax
अलसानि Ex: He was given an admonishment regarding the laziness shown during work. अलसि Ex: A sweet laziness आलस Ex: I accused her slowness, laziness आलस्य Ex: if I do not go, it is the laziness that prevents me उ: आलस्य को छोड़कर परिश्रमपूवर्क गृह कार्य करूँगी। कसालत Ex: It is in vain I greedy laziness कामचोरी Ex: It is laziness that has debauched उ: भिक्षा और कामचोरी दोनों ही दंडनीय अपराध थे। कार्यप्रद्वेष Ex: Losing all her things out of laziness, for laziness गुडाका Ex: Make the lazy, indulge in laziness दिरंग Ex: Scolding a student on his laziness निढालपन Ex: The talents that idleness, laziness aborted निषत्ति Ex: This poet sang laziness विषयात्मक Ex: , and jokingly he told someone that can not be corrected or laziness or lack of use हिज्ज ‡ Ex: , Misery is often daughter of laziness
Other : असकत Ex: Faites- shame him his laziness आसकत Ex: It also means, in the vernacular, the Taste stroll or even laziness बोदा Ex: This student is discouraging laziness by सुस्ती Ex: , Have a coat in hand, be increased to laziness
ExamplesLaziness synonyms
sloth lethargy negligence apathy weariness inertia inertness sluggishness slackness dormancy stolidity tardiness heaviness idleness dullness remissness sleepiness listlessness slothfulness inactivity laxness slowness indolence languidness leadenness dilatoriness leisureliness torpidness passivity faineance drowsiness dreaminess neglectfulness do-nothingness faineancy lackadaisicalness languorousness otioseness otiosity supineness torpescence Laziness antonyms
diligence hard work industriousness activity life liveliness action industry Usage of Laziness in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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