Leading meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Leading
As noun : अँगाली Ex:  He is the leading lady in this episode.
न्यायिष्ठ Ex:  7-5 after leading 6-2 पिरथम Ex:  New York's two leading art magazines were not interested. प्रथम Ex:  301, with 34 home runs, 103 RBIs, and a league leading 114 walks. उ:   यह एशिया की प्रथम व्यापारिक ब्रीवरी थी। प्रथमक Ex:  Britain's leading comedian of the time प्रभावन Ex:  June Anderson, Adolph Green, and Christa Ludwig in the leading roles. प्रमुख Ex:  The Hamburg State Opera is one of the leading German opera houses. उ:   प्रमुख वर्षाकाल इडवप्पाति अथवा पश्चिमी मानसून है। प्राग्रसर Ex:  One of South Africa's leading sporting venues महत्वपूर्ण Ex:  Throughout the 15 year period leading up to the independence of Zimbabwe उ:   ऐतिहासिक दृष्टि से भी यह काफी महत्वपूर्ण स्थल है। महत्वान्वित Ex:  Roosevelt relied on leading Senators such as George Norris महार्थ Ex:  Furthermore, several Speakers became leading figures in their political parties महाहु Ex:  Milan took the leading role in this alliance. साररुप Ex:  Illinois is the world's leading producer of ethanol from corn.
As adjective : अग्रगामी Ex:  Her sister is a leading animal rights campaigner. उ:   युद्ध में वह सदैव अग्रगामी रहता था। अग्रयान Ex:  He is leading a quiet life.
There were a quiet audience at the concert.
ऐडवांस Ex:  He is a leading political thinker of the times. दृष्टान्तात्मक Ex:  Santosh Sivan is Indias leading cinematographer. नेतृत्व Ex:  The Medici became the town's leading family उ:   फासीवाद का नेतृत्व किया था। पेशरौ Ex:  During the events leading up to the Wounded Knee Massacre प्रथम स्थान में Ex:  Hungary's leading fascist party, Ferenc Szálasi's Arrow Cross, was founded. प्रामाणिक निर्णय Ex:  Other leading producers are Brazil, Australia, Argentina, China, and India. बहुत आवश्यक या प्रभावशाली Ex:  In the years leading to World War II
Other : मुख्य Ex:  William responded by leading a large army into Brabant उ:   जैन धर्म का मुख्य वाक्य हि "अहिंसा परमो धर्म" है। मूर्द्धन्य Ex:  He had little success in leading teams to the postseason शिरस्थ Ex:  Frankfurt is one of the leading financial centres in Europe. शीर्ष Ex:  Tasmania is also home to one of Ausralia's leading new music institutions उ:   वे विहिप के शीर्ष नेताओं में थे।
Leading ki paribhasha : bhed ki khabar denevaala apane varg ya jaati ka sarvottam padaarth vah jo mukhy ya pradhaan ho adhyaaya, parichchhed aadi ka aarnbh ganana men jisaka sthaan sabase pahale ho
Leading synonyms
dominant preeminent outstanding top well-known famous popular prominent main noted best principal initial champion premier primary governing inaugural dominating ruling arch first foremost highest notorious number one stellar greatest headmost
Leading antonyms
subordinate unimportant unknown unremarkable inconspicuous least auxiliary extra insignificant minor last supplementary inferior secondary low ordinary obscure final
Usage of Leading in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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