Leaflet meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Leaflet
As noun : छोटा पत्ता Ex:  Design your leaflet and give it an eyecatching title .
छोटी पत्ती Ex:  It should redo the whole front of this leaflet पत्रक Ex:  Make a horn at a book, a leaflet etc उ:   चने को दल कर दोनो पत्रक अलग अलग होने पर चने की दाल मिलती है। पर्चा पर्णिका पुस्तिका देना पुस्तिका उ:   वहीं से सावरकर ने बम बनाने की पुस्तिका भी भारत भेजी थी। पैँफ्लेट पैँफ्लेट लीफ्लेट लीफ्लेट
Other : इश्तहार Ex:  Because each leaflet can appear to be a simple leaf परचा Ex:  The first page of a sheet, as opposed to Verso, which is the second page which is located at the back the leaflet पर्णक लघुपत्र समाचार पत्र सूचना पत्र
Leaflet ki paribhasha : ek RRishi ka naam jo paarnaki gotr ke pravartak the
Leaflet synonyms
brochure pamphlet flyer bulletin advertisement circular broadside flier handout tract pinna
Usage of Leaflet in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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