Leaning meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Leaning
As noun : झुका Ex:  A head leaning उ:   घोड़े ने सिर झुका दिया।
झुकाव Ex:  A straight writing, leaning उ:   आज़ादी के बाद से भारत का झुकाव समाजवादी प्रणाली की ओर रहा। झौँक Ex:  A wall leaning झौँक Ex:  A wall leaning प्रवृत्ति Ex:  He also said, speaking of a building where there are two parts, one of which addresses the right side of man, leaning against the facade of the building, and the other to the left side उ:   यह विभाजन किसी प्रवृत्ति की सापेक्षिक अधिकता को देखकर किया गया है। व्यावर्जित Ex:  He was leaning on the table, against the wall, against a हृदयवृत्ति Ex:  If whiten leaning against a wall
Leaning ki paribhasha : nyaay men ek yatn vishesh kisi or latakane, pravratt hone ya jhukane ki kriya
Leaning synonyms
predilection propensity sentiment inclination penchant favoritism proclivity predisposition thing taste weakness aptitude drift proneness partiality liking mindset bent cup of tea inclining
Leaning antonyms
antipathy dislike hate hatred fairness impartiality disinclination justice
Usage of Leaning in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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