Learned meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Learned
As noun : अभिविनीत Ex:  She learned dancing from her sister
संस्कारसंपन्न Ex:  He had no formal schooling but learned to read and write. सुशिक्षित Ex:  "Aeris wouldn’t have died, and gamers wouldn’t have learned how to cry". उ:   उसकी माता, जो एक चिकित्सक की पुत्री थी, सुशिक्षित महिला थी।
As verb : आंगविद्य Ex:  A learned professor. आकिल Ex:  I learned not to confide anything secret in Bob . आरिफ Ex:  What have you learned about Mr . एलिमवार Ex:  Somehow she learned to rock herself to sleep . गरेवा Ex:  The Old English or "Anglo-Saxon" writing was learned from the Celts गियानी Ex:  She memorized many Serbian epic poems but never learned to read. ज्ञानधन Ex:  Milton is considered to be among the most learned of all English poets ज्ञानमद Ex:  After basic techniques are learned ज्ञानमुद्र Ex:  If a cat is neutered after such behavior has been learned ज्ञानी Ex:  He learned the Armenian language from Fr. उ:   ये सभी परम ज्ञानी सन्त थे। ततबेता Ex:  This society has become very active, publishing a learned annual journal. प्रज्ञाचक्षु Ex:  In 1905, Edward Lasker learned the game while in Berlin. प्रज्ञी Ex:  When she learned of his designs फैलसुफ Ex:  In visiting Holland, Peter learned much about Western culture. बुधान Ex:  It was probably from Herrera that he learned to use brushes with long bristles. बेता Ex:  Newsted learned Metallica's entire setlist षड्दरशनी Ex:  When residents learned of the discovery सुज्ञान Ex:  The learned rabbis became not merely expounders of the Law
As adjective : अर्हत Ex:  his fingers have learned gentleness अर्हन Ex:  She learned out of the window. अशैक्ष Ex:  he learned to write the numerals before he went to school पढे लिखे व्यक्तियों का समूह Ex:  He learned the fundamentals of Wu style Tai Chi Chuan from his father. पाँडे़ Ex:  Soranus said that Hippocrates learned medicine from his father and grandfather पारगत Ex:  Mandel learned to speak his few intelligible lines बेदंत Ex:  Tagore learned that he had won the 1913 Nobel Prize in Literature. विद्वान Ex:  Callas also learned and performed Cherubini's Medea उ:   यह बहुत ही विद्वान एवं धार्मिक विचारों वाले थे।
Other : अभिजात Ex:  A learned society. आगमित Ex:  Finally, I learned to dress for success . आलिम Ex:  I learned my business from the bottom up . उलमा Ex:  She learned how to make investments the hard way . उ:   ऐतिहासिक रूप से, वे कादी के ऊपर उलमा की श्रेणी के सदस्य थे। कोविद Ex:  I learned the tricks of the trade from my uncle . पण्डित Ex:  Bernstein learned that his wife was diagnosed with lung cancer. उ:   वे काव्यशास्त्र के पण्डित थे। बुध Ex:  French is also learned in schools उ:   वहीं बुध ज्ञान का कारक है। विज्ञ Ex:  He quickly learned the languages of the Polynesian islands. विशारद Ex:  He probably learned French and Italian उ:   वे एक जर्मन भाषाविद, वेदों के ज्ञाता तथा प्राच्य विद्या विशारद थे। व्युत्पन्न Ex:  He learned piano and conducting उ:   इनको व्युत्पन्न इकाइयाँ कहा जायेगा। सज्ञान Ex:  Queens and learned tennis at the nearby Port Washington Tennis Academy सुजान Ex:  Hence they learned by doing उ:   इन में सुजान के प्रेम, रूप, विरह आदि का वर्णन हुआ है।
Learned ki paribhasha : jisamen kisi kaam ko chatapat sugamataapoorvak karane ki shakti ho shrrangaar ras men naayak ka ek bhed vachan ka vaktratv shakti se hin jisane vishesh roop se shiksha paayi ho
Learned synonyms
educated scientific studied scholarly accomplished sound experienced versed cultured lettered cultivated grave abstruse academic bookish brainy conversant deep erudite esoteric expert highbrow intellectual judicious literary literate omniscient pedantic philosophical recondite sage sapient sharp skilled solemn solid studious well-grounded well-read well-rounded well-educated posted in the know pansophic polymath professorial
Learned antonyms
uneducated ignorant immature inexperienced unsophisticated stupid uninformed green
Usage of Learned in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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