Lease meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lease
As noun : ऊरुसंधि Ex:  The companies were to build and operate the lines under a 99-year lease
पट्टा Ex:  The lease on the land has expired उ:   उन्हें पट्टा कहते हैं। पट्टे पर देना Ex:  A farmer who is at the end of its lease at After its strong लीस Ex:  Contract of lease
As verb : इजारा Ex:  a renewable lease गुत्तगै Ex:  The CPR obtained a 999-year lease on the O&Q on January 4 ठेका पर देना Ex:  Sandford a child had inherited the lease on a market in Romford, London. पटटा Ex:  But before then, the lease expired. पाटम् Ex:  Action by which the owner of a thing gives it to someone as a lease or lease लगाम या किराये पर उठाना Ex:  but, speaking of the price that you pay or receive for the lease of a farm, they say Fermage
Other : किराये पर देना Ex:  His lease was for 8.7 square kilometres लीज Ex:  Consenting lease
Lease ki paribhasha : kisi padaarth ko ujarat ya kiraaye par dena kisi sthaavar sthaavar snpatti visheshata: bhoomi ke upayog ka adhikaarapatr jo svaami ki or se aasaami, kiraayedaar ya thekedaar ko diya jaay
Lease synonyms
charter hire loan let rent out sublet sublease
Lease antonyms
Usage of Lease in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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