Least meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Least
As noun : अवगनना Ex:  it is the least I can do
अवरार्घ Ex:  Our house is very small but at least we got a roof over our heads. कम से कम Ex:  I want to spend at least three weeks in Mexico . कम Ex:  At least you must sensibly do your home work. उ:   कम समय में, वह एक प्रसिद्ध वकील बन गया। कमतर Ex:  I need three squares a day—at least . खाँगो Ex:  Tactically the Zulu acquitted themselves well in at least 3 encounters घटबढ़ Ex:  I-77 sees the least traffic of the three interstates छुच्छ Ex:  For at least 40,000 years छेहडा Ex:  A cabinet usually has at least one compartment. छोहनार Ex:  Nearly all provinces had at least one fortress. थोड़ा भी Ex:  Cats have been kept by humans since at least ancient Egypt नेरी Ex:  Benno Besson once said: "At least they took us seriously, we had a bearing". न्यूनतम Ex:  In at least one of those speeches उ:   इसके लिए न्यूनतम बोली पाँच सेन्ट प्रति क्लिक थी। सब से छोटा Ex:  Algorithms for cladograms include least squares सोदधित्व Ex:  At least two approaches have been demonstrated in vitro. स्वल्पेच्छ Ex:  For at least 20 years हृस्व Ex:  Since at least the 12th Century
As adjective : बहुत ही कम Ex:  At least 24 operas have been based on Romeo and Juliet. लघुतम Ex:  Taku Glacier has been advancing since at least 1890 उ:   अतः वाक्य भाषा की लघुतम पूर्ण इकाई है।
Other : अल्पतम Ex:  last not least he plays the saxophone अल्पिष्ठ Ex:  the climate is at least tolerable कमतरीन Ex:  My pencil usually breaks when least expected .
Least synonyms
gutter last nadir bottom infinitesimal second minimum minute first atomic lowest microscopic minimal molecular niggling piddling trivial unimportant finical third entry-level feeblest fewest meanest microcosmic minutest most trivial next to nothing poorest short-end tiniest
Least antonyms
huge large most big substantial
Usage of Least in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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