Leave cold meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Leave cold
As noun :
प्रभावित करने में असफल रहना
Leave cold synonyms
expel blackball blacklist snub shun exclude excommunicate oust cut avoid drop displace boycott reject expatriate deport shut out throw out cold-shoulder cast out expulse leave in the cold annoy exhaust dishearten exasperate tire depress irk fade bore distress debilitate jade tax nauseate strain enfeeble fail enervate sap cloy weaken droop vex disgust glut pain flag fatigue sink burden plague drain overwork sicken harass weigh oppress fall off wear down wear out tire out drowse fag cause ennui grow tired have had enough leave one cold lose interest make discontented take it out of try the patience of tucker out
Leave cold antonyms
permit welcome include admit allow accept embrace soothe invigorate refresh comfort excite assist calm aid energize mend increase activate enliven make happy please encourage help cure strengthen rise
Usage of Leave cold in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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