Leave meaning in hindi
As noun : अंझा Ex: People leave their domicile due to terrorism.
अतिसर्ग Ex: I took an unnecessary leave today. अलविदा कहना Ex: He applied for leave to file a suit. आज्ञादान Ex: Childhood memories do not leave you all your life. इजाज़त Ex: I plighting that I will never leave you. उ: उन्हें इस बात की इजाज़त दे दी गई। उझंटना Ex: Many outboard trains leave Nampally at 6 p.m.. उझाँटना Ex: He remarked that he would be on leave for a week. उद्धुंधन Ex: he believed, naively, that she would leave him her money चला ज्ना Ex: ram will not leave you in lerch. छनकान Ex: Where did I leave my glasses? Tom: Don't ask me . छुटटी Ex: I'd just as leave eat dinner at home tonight . छुट्टी लेना Ex: I am going to leave home . छुट्टी Ex: Please leave your packages at the door . उ: उसे लगभग एक साल बाद छुट्टी दे दी जाती है। छोड कर मरना Ex: I leave the whole problem to you . छोड़ ज्ना Ex: Please leave up the window . छोड़ना Ex: They slipped off and no one saw them leave . छोड़ कर मरना Ex: Stoke this old car up so we can leave . झोखना Ex: One by one, the guests took their leave . झोखना Ex: One by one, the guests took their leave . डेना Ex: Buses for points east and south leave from the Fairchild Street Bus Terminal तिजइना Ex: Close's 786 first-class matches leave him 10th on the all-time list. तियागना Ex: Ludwig was finally forced to ask the composer to leave Munich. दरगुजरना Ex: The French troops were to leave Chad दीधना Ex: Charlie allegedly tried to persuade Marion to leave Hearst and remain with him दे ज्ना Ex: Manuel wanted Conrad to leave some of his troops behind देना Ex: While Antony would leave Gaul उ: यदि खेत में पानी कम हो जाये तो पानी और भर देना चाहिए। नंषना Ex: I leave it to you of marble पत्तेदार होना Ex: It was very, very tempting to leave it at that. परिनिर्वपण Ex: Klebold hesitated, and then told him to leave the library. परिवर्जन, परिवर्ज्जन Ex: Blaise pleaded with Jacqueline not to leave but she was adamant. पह्ँउच्ना Ex: Von Falkenhausen was finally forced to leave at the end of June 1938 प्रमूकना Ex: His leave also discredited William बखसीसना ‡ Ex: He called for Britain to leave the EEC बखोरना ‡ Ex: He tells his subordinate: "I leave it entirely in your hands". बदस्तूर रहने देना Ex: She demands that Jiro leave his wife for her. बिदाई Ex: She threatened to leave the country if Kennedy were elected बिरराना Ex: As Feodor did not leave any children भ्रंश, भ्रंस Ex: Mabel whispered, "Don't leave me". मुंचना Ex: Columbus was forced to leave 39 men, founding the settlement of La Navidad. मुकलना Ex: He decided to leave when he found that studying sunspots मुक्काना Ex: 1895. Wilde had already begged Douglas to leave London for Paris मूकना Ex: Fighting may leave birds with injuries. मेल्हना Ex: Ko Samet and Ko Chang, buses leave from the Eastern Bus Terminal at Ekkamai. मोकना Ex: They refused to leave after being notified by the British Governor and मोकलना Ex: Gowen issued an ultimatum: leave the union, or be fired. मोक्षण Ex: Buses for northern destinations and Syria leave from Charles Helou Station. मोचना Ex: Pilecki declined to leave मोषण Ex: Wilder preferred to leave analysis of his screenplays and films to others. मोहलत Ex: Arnoux, to leave the team. रजी Ex: The crew could leave the firing site within 30 minutes. लीव Ex: These victories forced the British to leave New Jersey. वसीयत करना Ex: Mikołajczyk was forced to leave the country विदा होना Ex: Glassmakers weren't allowed to leave the Republic, however. विदा Ex: In return, France would agree to leave Germany and the Netherlands undisturbed. उ: यह एक बलिदान है जो देवी दुर्गा को सम्मान तथा उनको विदा करता है। विष्टब्धि Ex: Buses and colectivos are straight ahead as you leave the airport वौकाना Ex: Darius was forced to leave the field शेष रह जाना{मृत्यु के बाद} Ex: Hearing steps outside, they quickly leave with such money as Mrs. संत्यजन Ex: Unable to leave a still living Troilus on the stage संप Ex: He sometimes screamed at officials and was asked to leave more than once. संप्रतिपादन Ex: When his father attempted to leave and find a different station सन्यासन Ex: King of Prussia, Marx, among many others, were ordered to leave Paris. समासर्जन Ex: Peter asks Jesus to "make Mary leave us समुत्सर्ग Ex: Originally, it was allowed to debate the bill in the process of seeking leave समुत्सर्ग Ex: Originally, it was allowed to debate the bill in the process of seeking leave समुपचार Ex: 1830, intending to leave the country for exile in Europe, possibly in France. साँपधरन Ex: More than 76,000 Hungarians and 32,000 Germans were forced to leave Slovakia साति Ex: It is of some note that Stalin refused to leave the city सौँपना Ex: Finally, the Speaker should vote to leave a bill or motion in its existing form हवाले करना Ex: As soon as he had to leave his office
As verb : उत्तरदायित्व सौंपना Ex: She is my kin, I should not leave her alone. चले जाना Ex: Please don't leave the children on my hands . छोड जाना Ex: I will leave them to it . ज्ञानापोह Ex: It is time for me to take leave of all of you . टालना Ex: Turn off the lights as you leave . डोली करना Ex: Many people leave their house during the day for work and recreation फरोगुजाश्त Ex: If both defect, both leave with nothing. भूल जाना Ex: They will be weighed before they leave the pits. शेष वचना Ex: John Clunies-Ross, that he should leave the Cocos.
Other : अवकाश Ex: He left all his money to the orphanage.
You can safely leave it to him. उ: अवकाश ग्रहण करने के पश्चात् ये कैंबले में रहते थे। आज्ञा Ex: Why did you leave him?. उ: कौण्डिन्यमुनि ने इस आज्ञा को सहर्ष स्वीकार कर लिया। इजाजत. Ex: The fallen team had to leave the stadium. इजाजत Ex: shut off the gas when you leave for a vacation इजाज़त Ex: After several days of leave she resumed her duties. चला जाना Ex: Well, I've got to leave . छोड़ देना Ex: When everyone is on board, we will leave . छोड़ Ex: Please don't leave me out in the cold . उ: जसवंत गांव छोड़ देता है।
You can safely leave it to him. उ: अवकाश ग्रहण करने के पश्चात् ये कैंबले में रहते थे। आज्ञा Ex: Why did you leave him?. उ: कौण्डिन्यमुनि ने इस आज्ञा को सहर्ष स्वीकार कर लिया। इजाजत. Ex: The fallen team had to leave the stadium. इजाजत Ex: shut off the gas when you leave for a vacation इजाज़त Ex: After several days of leave she resumed her duties. चला जाना Ex: Well, I've got to leave . छोड़ देना Ex: When everyone is on board, we will leave . छोड़ Ex: Please don't leave me out in the cold . उ: जसवंत गांव छोड़ देता है।
Leave ki paribhasha : kisi pakadi hui vastu ko prathak karana kisi bandhi, lagi, phansi, ulajhi ya pakadi hui vastu ka alag hona kahin se chalane ki aagya ya anumati badon ka chhoton ko kisi kaam ke liye kahana kisi padaarth par se apana svatv hata lene athava use apane paas se alag karane ki kriya vah poornima jisamen chndrama ki poori na ho ek sthaan se doosare sthaan par praapt hone ke liye gati men hona apane sthaan se alag karana kisi vastu par se apana svatv hataakar usapar doosare ka svatv sthaapit karana vah dhan jo kisi ko bida hone ke samaya, usaka satkaar karane ke liye diya jaay
ExamplesLeave synonyms
authorization allowance okay freedom consent sanction assent liberty dispensation go-ahead permit concession tolerance green light sufferance retirement furlough leave of absence sabbatical vacation adieu departure farewell goodbye withdrawal parting leave-taking fly quit take off move start escape flee disappear relinquish vamoose emigrate vanish elope abscond sally defect flit embark exit split scram vacate decamp ditch issue desert forsake beat it break away clear out cut out pull out push off step down come away give the slip go away go forth head out move out remove oneself ride off run along say goodbye set out slip out take a hike take leave walk out drop stop evacuate surrender forbear maroon cede waive terminate yield resign desist cease refrain back out drop out hand over knock off give up give notice have omit mislay let leave behind lay down let be let continue let go let stay apportion legate devise confide will transmit bequeath allot consign commit entrust refer bequest assign demise hand down give over Leave antonyms
denial refusal veto incarceration disapproval protest limitation prohibition restriction disagreement imprisonment restraint difference workday greeting hello stay remain complete come in face finish arrive stop hold keep join continue care maintain do help begin initiate start keep on go disallow refuse reject withhold receive take retain Usage of Leave in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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