Leave no stone unturned meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Leave no stone unturned
As verb :
कसर उठा न रखना जमीन आसमान एक करना पटकना, हा हर सम्भव यत्न करना
Leave no stone unturned ki paribhasha : hindi varanamaala men chavarg ke antargat ek vynjan varn
Leave no stone unturned synonyms
rake forage investigate scrutinize inspect examine sift hunt grub beat screen probe sweep beat the bushes finecomb go through with fine-tooth comb look high and low search high heaven turn inside out turn upside down inquire burrow prospect shovel unearth dig research dredge excavate spade ferret out go into look into trowel gouge out jump into really get into scoop out try test analyze traverse travel question tour scout delve into reconnoitre dig into have a look inquire into annoy pursue bother pester goad hector harass persecute heckle curdle prod bait scratch ride drive dog impel tail hassle harry provoke bug bird-dog chivy be at give chase hunt down rag on scratch around take out after track down yap at be on one's back be on one's case be on one's tail proceed endure remain continue maintain carry on go on hang tough hold on keep going press on stand firm go for it be determined be resolved be stubborn go for broke hang in hold fast keep driving keep on plug away see it through stay the course stick with it recur linger prevail repeat last obtain abide grind insist follow through follow up keep up perseverate be resolute go all the way go the limit perdure see through stick it out stick to guns tough it out raid seize pillage plunder gut loot spy scan poach maraud strip pry rape overhaul thieve purloin pilfer despoil filch lift rifle peer sound rustle ravish pinch appropriate steal take away go over with a fine-tooth comb lay waste look all over for make off with shake down poke jumble disturb disarray toss disorganize root disorder disrupt fish disarrange mess up mix up dig out rout find look for look up and down check study frisk grope run down hunt for beat about cast about chase after go in quest of gun for look over poke into rifle through smell around prowl dragnet fan nose mouse fish for be after bob for delve for dig for go after look about look around run after search for search out sniff out tackle aim endeavor essay contend sweat moil attempt toil offer work labor strain jockey compete struggle push assay fight scramble tug bear down take on go all out bend over backward go for the jugular knock oneself out make every effort shoot for try hard break one's neck do one's best do one's utmost
Leave no stone unturned antonyms
ignore find fill neglect overlook aid soothe dissuade repress make happy please help support discourage let go halt stop leave alone cease discontinue give up be lazy idle quit forget protect organize clean neaten tidy offer receive order care for calm systematize arrange cover dirty rust lose answer shun reply surrender laze relax rest agree make peace yield skip
Usage of Leave no stone unturned in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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