Lecture meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lecture
As noun : फटकारना Ex:  He gave me a lecture on my mistake.
फिटकारना ‡ Ex:  Please don't lecture me about my behavior . लम्बा कथन Ex:  Hannibal attended a lecture by Phormio व्याख्यान Ex:  So Richard D'Oyly Carte invited Wilde for a lecture tour of North America. उ:   वेद की अनेक शाखाएं यानि व्याख्यान का तरीका बतायी गयी हैं। शासन फटकार Ex:  In 1951, Pauling gave a lecture entitled, "Molecular Medicine". संसूचन Ex:  In his Göttingen inaugural lecture सीख देना Ex:  He noted during a Caltech lecture in 1985: A wide range of organisations
As verb : आलोचना करना Ex:  The lecture was dragged on interminably. व्याख्यान देना Ex:  In a 1952 lecture series
Other : उपदेश देना Ex:  Camus also toured the United States to lecture about French thinking. बयान करना Ex:  I like Ted! Don't lecture about him . लेक्चर Ex:  At a lecture in 1895 to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences उ:   कभी भी उनके साथ लेक्चर के नोटस नहीं होते थे। वक्तृता Ex:  Bronson Alcott attended the lecture उ:   वे काव्य को वक्तृता का अंग बनाना चाहते थे।
Lecture ki paribhasha : kisi vishay ki vyaakhya ya tika karane athava vivaran batalaane ka kaam ek men mili hui bahut si chijon ko ek saath hilaana ya jhataka maarana jisamen ve chhitara jaayan
Lecture synonyms
discourse instruction address spiel allocution disquisition pitch harangue talk oration pep talk soapbox chalk talk sermon rebuke scolding going-over censure castigation preaching reprimand reproof dressing-down chiding moralism preachment talking-to telling off expound teach recite orate spout deliver declaim speak prelect get on a soapbox give a talk hold forth admonish chide sermonize flay berate moralize reprove tell off exprobate give going-over give piece of mind rank on
Lecture antonyms
compliment praise listen be quiet laud flatter
Usage of Lecture in sentences

The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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