Leftist meaning in hindi
As noun : वामपंथी Ex:  Prominent leftist critics have included socialists like Karl Marx उ: विचारधारा की वामपंथी पार्टी रही है।
वामपक्षी वामपक्षीय
As adjective : वाम पंथी Ex:  Studying under the leftist Walter Rodney
Other : गरम दल का Ex:  Growing up in this declassé family with leftist leanings
ExamplesLeftist synonyms
malcontent reactionary firebrand demagogue propagandist zealot anarchist troublemaker revolutionary heretic instigator fighter champion rabble-rouser pusher partisan advocate agent dissident incendiary ringleader rebel provocateur reformer fomenter revisionist mover dogmatist adjy disrupter sparkplug wave maker liberal progressive socialist communist militant fanatical uncompromising far-out extremist violent sweeping entire insurgent refractory advanced complete excessive iconoclastic immoderate insubordinate intransigent lawless mutinous nihilistic rabid rebellious recalcitrant restive riotous seditious severe thorough ultra way out insurrectionary recusant freethinking anarchistic ultraist renegade subversive insurrectionist nonconformist avant-garde pacifist mutineer freethinker rioter objector secessionist left-winger revolter leftism liberalism on the left progressiveness progressivism Leftist antonyms
moderate conservative right peaceful obedient extrinsic nonessential superficial right wing peacemaker Usage of Leftist in sentences
The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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