Leg it meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Leg it
As noun : अपावर्त्तन
प्रद्रव प्रद्राव भगाई ‡ भग्नना भागना उ:   अनेक स्थानों पर युद्ध जीतने के बाद रोम की पराजय पर उसे भी भागना पड़ा। भ्रंश, भ्रंस वक्रम वक्रय विद्रुति विनिहसृति विप्रयाण वैमुख्य
Leg it ki paribhasha : kisi sthaan se hatane ke liye daudkar nikal jaana
Leg it synonyms
quit drop out pull out dump ditch discontinue stop leave withdraw vacate discard surrender desert screw abdicate yield duck dust back out bail out bow out chicken out cop out cut loose opt out throw over walk out on flake out fly the coop give up the ship kiss goodbye let go run out on ship out storm out take a powder take a walk wash hands of tramp explore stroll stump ramble backpack tour rove hoof travel hit the road tromp shoot rush dash race jog sprint tear depart gallop skip skitter course escape speed hie trot pace scamper lope spring hustle canter bound abscond hotfoot dart decamp bolt hurry flee whisk skedaddle career flit scurry scud scoot smoke spurt barrel hasten scramble scorch bustle beat it clear out light out make off take off shag cut and run dog it go like lightning make a break make tracks take flight tear out trek traipse march
Leg it antonyms
remain persevere cherish assert uphold come stay continue begin start keep maintain advance go allow defend pursue retain support adopt favor decrease lower reduce walk wait delay slow dally procrastinate dawdle cease obey linger face meet rest stand halt stop serve
Usage of Leg it in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi. 
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