Legal meaning in hindi
As adjective : कानूनी Ex:  Nikhil was ensnared in the complexities of the legal system. उ: विवाह का एक कानूनी या विधिक पक्ष भी है।
नियमानुकूल Ex:  Unions slowly overcame the legal restrictions on the right to strike. विधिक Ex:  Gambling has been legal in Nevada since 1931 उ: यह विचारधारा विधिक नियमों का विश्लेषण करती है। विधिमान्य Ex:  Politics: Since mid-1992 political parties legal after ten-year hiatus. वैग Ex:  It shares political and legal structures to varying degrees with Scotland वैध कानूनी Ex:  The legal system is derived from that of the United Kingdom शास्त्रनिहित Ex:  In those legal systems where it is allowed शास्त्रानुकूल Ex:  Henry also worked to make the legal system fairer.
Other : आईनी Ex:  whats his legal residence? वैध Ex:  New York's legal system is explicitly based on English common Law. उ: फ्रांस के वैध राजा चार्ल्स सप्तम का राज्याभिषेक भी नहीं हो पाया था।
Legal ki paribhasha : vivaad ya vyavahaar men uchit anuchit ka nibatera
ExamplesLegal synonyms
fair constitutional statutory valid legitimate lawful proper acknowledged authorized clean due enforced forensic granted innocent judicial just justifiable licit on the level ordained prescribed protected right rightful sanctioned sound straight warranted juridical contractual allowed card-carrying chartered condign decreed enforcible enjoined judged justified legalized on the up and up passed precedented sure enough within the law Legal antonyms
unacceptable illegal illegitimate unlawful illicit invalid wrong Usage of Legal in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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