Legitimately meaning in hindi
As noun : कानूनी तौर पर Ex:  Burnham can legitimately be called the movement's father.
As adverb :
जायज Ex:  a job further than they should legitimately go तर्कसंगत तरीके से Ex:  A well legitimately acquired मर्यादोचित Ex:  Fees and loyal costs, costs made legitimately विधि पूर्वक Ex:  Good faith expresses particular in terms of Jurisprudence, of Conviction is a person where it acts, that she legally contracted or she acquires it legitimately possesses वैध तरीके से Ex:  legitimately convened assembly of several bishops and doctors of the Catholic Church, for deliberate and decide on matters of doctrine and discipline
ExamplesLegitimately synonyms
equally honorably rightly reasonably accurately duly properly honestly correctly candidly frankly helpfully moderately nicely well equitably lawfully decently impartially befittingly beneficently benevolently benignly charitably decorously duteously dutifully evenhandedly fitly piously respectably righteously straightforwardly temperately tolerantly unreservedly uprightly virtuously easily certainly absolutely indeed actually unquestionably surely literally undoubtedly genuinely assuredly de facto in effect indubitably of course positively precisely admittedly as a matter of fact authentically beyond doubt categorically for real in actuality in fact in point of fact in reality no ifs ands or buts nothing else but unmistakably evenly morally objectively reliably sincerely squarely conscientiously dispassionately ethically without bias without prejudice exactly very definitely constantly faithfully firmly loyally steadily truthfully beyond question confirmedly devotedly factually in truth staunchly unequivocally veraciously veritably with devotion without a doubt with all one's heart authorized warranted constitutionally allowably by law conceded enforcibly juridically licitly permissibly fairly deservedly for fair Legitimately antonyms
unfairly unjustly wrongly doubtfully dubiously questionably indefinite inaccurately incorrectly indirectly inappropriately unsuitably unlawfully illegally illicitly Usage of Legitimately in sentences
The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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