Lenient meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lenient
As adjective : अकर्कश Ex:  He was very lenient withhis students.
कोँवर Ex:  The police was lenient on the rioting students as they were first offenders. नरंम Ex:  His methods were criticised as being too lenient and he was replaced नरम Ex:  The Radicals thought this policy too lenient उ:   नरम कपड़े की झाड़नें अच्छी होती हैं। मुलायम Ex:  Mood lenient उ:   इनकी लकड़ियाँ मुलायम होती हैं। मृदु Ex:  Too lenient उ:   गंगा नदी के पास स्थित होने के कारण यहां का पानी मृदु और ठंडा होता है। मृदुल Ex:  I ask you to review this book, but you are too lenient रकीक सदय सुस्पर्श
Other : नर्म Ex:  lenient Winner उ:   इनके अभाव में हड्डियाँ नर्म हो जाती हैं तथा टूटने का भय बना रहता है।
Lenient ki paribhasha : yajn ke yoop ka niche se pndrah aratni ka sthaan yog men asmitaa, raaga, dvesh aur abhinivesh in chaaron kleshon ka ek bhed ya avastha jisamen koi klesh apane poorn roop men vartamaan rahata hua apane vishay ka grahan karata rahata hai jisamen kisi prakaar ki kathorata ya khinchaav aadi na ho jo sunane men karkash ya apriy na ho sngit men svar ka ek bhed najaakat se yukt prem prasng ka haasa- parihaas
Lenient synonyms
sympathetic indulgent compassionate tolerant benign compliant forgiving amiable charitable clement complaisant condoning easy easygoing emollient forbearing gentle good-natured kind kindly loving merciful mild obliging permitting soft softhearted sparing tender yielding benignant allowing assuaging assuasive being big excusing favoring going easy on humoring letting live with mollycoddling pampering pardoning soft-shell spoiling
Lenient antonyms
merciless hateful intolerant rigorous hard limiting restrictive severe
Usage of Lenient in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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