Less meaning in hindi
As noun : अवगनना Ex: The enrollment was less in our school this year.
कम माऋआ मे़ Ex: She resents being paid less than her co-workers कम Ex: People sitting in the back-benches are normally less attentive. उ: इन दुकानों से कम कीमत पर समान खरीदे जा सकते है । खाँगो Ex: The more I see her the less I like her. घटबढ़ Ex: Some two hundred of the states had an area of less than 25 square kilometres . छुच्छ Ex: "The less accurately we know the time छेहडा Ex: The Atlantic Ocean has less influence on the Piedmont region छोहनार Ex: "where the competition was less keen". सोदधित्व Ex: Oregon metropolitan area less than 50 miles to the southwest. स्वल्पेच्छ Ex: HIV-2 is less transmittable than HIV-1 and is largely confined to West Africa. हृस्व Ex: Although much less commonly available
As adjective : अदीर्घ Ex: other, less fortunate, children died अनुत्कट Ex: They think they have less annuity thats why they gave you memo. खर्वित Ex: His poems are frigid and have less impact. खाँगो Ex: The more I see her the less I like her. गिरैयाँ Ex: I wore out my shoes in less than a month . छुटका Ex: Some less notable imitations series include The McDougall Alley Gang छोटका Ex: Transfer of less than 5 grams is not considered sale छोटा Ex: These are less regulated at the federal level उ: उनका एक छोटा भाई भी है जिसका नाम एलन है। टोलिया Ex: It is less than east of the International Date Line दहृ Ex: Pottery produced in Makuria became less ornate ध्वांतशत्रु Ex: Research in this region of the Andes is less extensive निघृष्व Ex: CW uses less than 100 Hz of bandwidth. मर्यक Ex: Evert played women's doubles less frequently मुख्तसर Ex: 1.5% in Georgia and less than 1% in both Armenia and Tajikistan. मौलिक Ex: Northern California capitulated in less than a month to the US forces. उ: मौलिक लेखन के अतिरिक्त अरुण कमल ने अनुवाद कार्य भी किया है। लहुअ ‡ Ex: However, there have been less famous incidents in other parts of the world. समसन Ex: Twentieth century and later art theory is less judging than Burpee साँकड़भीड़ो Ex: The prokaryotic cytoskeleton is less well-studied स्तोककाय Ex: Similarly but less commonly स्माल Ex: As a result, they were replaced by the less Latin-like स्लल्पीयस Ex: Bradman scored 112 in less than two hours हृस्व Ex: Although much less commonly available
As adverb : अल्प परिमाण से Ex: I knew him much less aat the time. अल्प परिमाण,कम,थोड़ा,न्यूनतर,थोड़े में Ex: I got less marks in my board exams because of my scraull writing. अल्प परिमाण Ex: A mother less child often needs and receives more love, affection and
protection from the father. अल्पतर Ex: Seraphs are less in society today. थोड़े में Ex: Brook was less concerned with realism न्यूनतर Ex: Internet use was less prevalent.
protection from the father. अल्पतर Ex: Seraphs are less in society today. थोड़े में Ex: Brook was less concerned with realism न्यूनतर Ex: Internet use was less prevalent.
Other : ऊन Ex: Acute angle is always less than 90 degrees. उ: यहाँ का मुख्य उद्योग गलीचा, ऊन और नमदा है। कमतर Ex: Provincial taxes are very less in some provinces. कमती Ex: Water takes very less time to percolate through cotton cloth. छोकरी Ex: North Carolina averages less than 20 tornadoes per year. छोहरी Ex: Although "posterity has treated Maurice Evans less kindly" थोड़ा सा Ex: Los Alcarrizos and Herrera which are less economically developed. थोडा Ex: Limelight, was less political and more autobiographical in nature. उ: रहस्य थोडा सुलझता है और उन्हें तहखाने का रास्ता पता चल जाता है। न्यून Ex: In Arabic the Dead Sea is called , or less commonly . उ: तनावक्षमता में टंग्स्टेन सबसे श्रेष्ठ और सीसा बहुत न्यून है।
Less ki paribhasha : jo badai ya vistaar men kam ho
ExamplesLess synonyms
limited lower negative lesser subordinate minus minor secondary beneath deficient depressed lacking reduced shorter unsubstantial without fewer declined diminished excepting not as great shortened slighter subtracting barely meagerly in a lower degree to a smaller extent Less antonyms
higher greater more important superior major bigger Usage of Less in sentences
The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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