Lethal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lethal
As adjective : कषि Ex:  It is a lethal drug. उ:   ओड़िशा के कषि क्षेत्र का विकास में योगदान ३२ फीसदी है।
खुनी Ex:  There are a variety of lethal viral diseases that affect shrimp. घस्र Ex:  It has a wide host range and is highly lethal घातक Ex:  There are also a number of bacterial infections that are lethal to shrimp. उ:   कैंसर को एक घातक रोग के रूप में जाना जाता है। घाती Ex:  Several highly lethal viral pathogens are members of the Filoviridae. दंशेर Ex:  Paracetamol is lethal to snakes प्रमापयिता Ex:  Chemical warfare agents are divided into lethal and incapacitating categories. प्राण घातक Ex:  Because Ebola is lethal and since no approved vaccine or treatment is available प्राणनाशक Ex:  The most famous and lethal outbreak was the so-called Spanish flu pandemic प्राणहर Ex:  Robert Boyle was the first to show that vacuum is lethal to small animals. फाड़खाऊ ‡ Ex:  DDT itself was not lethal to the adult bird रिष्व Ex:  Hazardous Venom, lethal विधाती शरारु शर्वरीक सबाध हानिकारक उ:   यह किरणे आँखों के लिए बहुत हानिकारक होती हैं। हालिक
Other : नाशकारी Ex:  Jews incurred sometimes lethal risks.
Lethal ki paribhasha : vish aadi jisase praan nikal jaate hon phalit jyotish men vah yog jisaka phal kisi ki mratyu ho
Lethal synonyms
mortal destructive murderous noxious dangerous poisonous devastating pernicious harmful malignant virulent fatal baleful deathly hurtful mortuary pestilent pestilential mortiferous necrotic
Lethal antonyms
helpful healthy wholesome harmless kind beneficial life-giving
Usage of Lethal in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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