Lethargic meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lethargic
As adjective : अकर्मण्य Ex:  bullfrogs became lethargic with the first cold nights उ:   वह एक अकर्मण्य और अयोग्य शासक था।
अकर्मशील Ex:  Infected shrimp become lethargic before they die. अक्र Ex:  be lethargic अप्रखर Ex:  encephalitis lethargic आरामतलब Ex:  state, rest, sleep lethargic कमरटूटा जडक्रिय जड़क्रिया जिह्मगामी तन्द्राजनक थेंथर निर्यत्न निश्चेष्ट निष्क्रिय उ:   ग्रीष्मकाल की इस निष्क्रिय अवस्था को ग्रीष्मसुषुप्तावस्था कहते हैं। निष्प्रयत्न निष्प्रयत्न पांडुपृष्ठ विरुग्ण शिक्कु सुस्त उ:   पशु सुस्त होकर खाना पीना छोड देता है। सोच्छ्वास स्तीम
Other : आलसी Ex:  Indolence lethargic
Lethargic ki paribhasha : jisamen koi kriya ya vyaapaar na ho chinta ya lajja aadi ke kaaran nistej
Lethargic synonyms
languid sleepy lackadaisical passive listless laid-back dull apathetic blah comatose debilitated dilatory dopey dormant drowsy enervated heavy idle impassive inactive indifferent inert laggard phlegmatic slothful slow somnolent spiritless stolid stupefied supine torpid languorous moony nebbish slumberous draggy having spring fever out of it sleepyhead snoozy stretchy wimpy
Lethargic antonyms
alert animated energetic lively vivacious active caring busy vital
Usage of Lethargic in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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