Level off meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Level off
As noun : चक्कर लगाना Ex:  Please level off the f loor .
Level off synonyms
dock settle berth alight thump pilot debark disembark ditch steer ground bring in check in come down come in get down put down take down touch down come ashore come to berth descend upon drop anchor flatten out light on make land put in set down set on deck sit down splash down slacken ebb wane dwindle ease recede melt abate diminish peter out decline lower collapse taper sink fall moderate quieten lull let up ease off de-escalate cave in die away
Level off antonyms
ascend take off fail lose increase grow enlarge prolong rise develop expand extend go up
Usage of Level off in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi 
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