Lexicon meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Lexicon
As noun : उत्तरदायित्व Ex:  " has been adopted into the English lexicon उ:   अधिकार एवं उत्तरदायित्व में समानता होनी चाहिए।
गुरुभाव Ex:  These preservers of myth include Hesychius' lexicon जबाबदेही Ex:  Most of the lexicon of Portuguese is derived from Latin. जिम्मावारी Ex:  They also helped to register the Old Tupi language, lexicon and its grammar. झोँकी Ex:  The lexicon of HCE derives mainly from English पुराकोश Ex:  The lexicon of Cicero पुराकोष Ex:  The lexicon of Plato भार उ:   इतना भार तथा त्याग कुछ कम नहीं। रिस्क विवध शब्द समूह शब्द सूची शब्द―कोश
Other : कोश Ex:  Similar acronyms were quickly added to the lexicon उ:   ये कोश मुख्यतः हिंदी के ही थे। लुगत शब्दकोश उ:   यह एक बहुउपयोगी शब्दकोश है। शब्दकोष
Lexicon ki paribhasha : ek parimaan jo bis paseri ka hota hai
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Usage of Lexicon in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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